Alumni Details

Basic Information

Mariners Name
Zafrul Alam
Mr Zafrul Alam is currently Assistant Director (Shipping Division), Maritime and Port Authority of Singapore. Prior that he was the Secretary (Maritime Affairs), Singapore High Commission, London, a position he has held since September 2000. Prior to that he was Assistant-Director in the Policy Division at the Maritime and Port Authority of Singapore. He is also currently Chairman of the IMO Sub-Committee of Bulk Liquids and Gases, a position he has held since 1 Jan 2001. Prior to that he was the Vice-Chairman of the IMO Marine Environment Protection Committee (MEPC) for two years. He lives in London with his wife Mrs. Mahmuda Alam (Mary) and two daughters Fareena Alam (Julie) and Farzina Alam (Nancy).

Personal Information

Address Home
Telephone (Home)
(65) 677 62231
Mobile (Personal)
(65) 93665086
Address (Office)
Assistant Director, Shipping Regulation and Development Department, Shipping Division Maritime and Port Authority of Singapore,460 Alexandra Road #21-00 PSA Building, Singapore 119963
Telephone (Office)
(65) 6375 6204
Mobile (Office)
(65) 6375 6231
Interests or Hobbies