Alumni Details

Basic Information

Mariners Name
Md. A. M. Ziauddin
In USA. Working as Maintenance Manager with KABCO Pharmaceuticals, Inc., Long Island, NY. Staying in Mineola, Long Island (NY) with wife Mrs. Yasmin Zia and three sons: Nafeez I. Zia (22 yrs), a graduate of SUNY Stony Brook with a BS in Biochemistry, Rabbi Ishfaque I. Zia (18 yrs), freshman at SUNY Stony Brook and Irfan I. Zia (11 yrs), 6th Grade.

Personal Information

Address Home
37 Westbury Avenue, Mineola, NY 11501, USA.
Telephone (Home)
+1 (516) 248-3708
Mobile (Personal)
Address (Office)
Kabko Pharmacuticals Inc. , 2000 New Horizons Blvd. Amityville, NY 11701, USA.
Telephone (Office)
Mobile (Office)
Interests or Hobbies