Alumni Details

Basic Information

Mariners Name
Shaikh Md. Arif
In Kuwait. Serving United Arab Shipping Co. (UAS), Kuwait, as ISM Superintendent. He joined UAS in 1986. He was born in Dhaka and live in Karachi, Pakistan. He studied in Shideshwari Boys School (SSC, 1963) and Notre Dame College (1963-65). Residing in Kuwait with wife Mrs. Zeenat Arif (21/09/71), three sons Shaikh M Atif (01/06/72), Shaikh M Akif (18/05/76) and Shaikh M Faraz (09/08/77). [One of his son Shaikh M Wasif expired on 06/06/94, was born on 27/10/74]

Personal Information

Address Home
B-54, Block 10A, Gulshane Iqbal, Karachi 75300, Pakistan
Telephone (Home)
+965 4724289
Mobile (Personal)
+965 7870554
Address (Office)
PO Box 3636, Safat, Kuwait 13037
Telephone (Office)
+965 483 5068
Mobile (Office)
+965 4848229
Interests or Hobbies