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Update on Al Abdullah Adil (BMA 41st)

Update on Al Abdullah Adil (BMA 41st)
Al Abdullah Adil (BMA 41st) Date of Accident: 11-May-2024
Presently admitted to Green Life Hospital, Dhaka.
I visited the hospital this evening and met Adil’s wife and daughter, learning firsthand what happened. They were heading for Dhaka from Matlab via Chandpur toll road when an ambulance speeded through the toll booth without paying it. The ambulance hit Adil’s car. So he went to the side and exited the car to talk to the ambulance driver. The ambulance was at the rear, right behind his car.
All of a sudden, the ambulance driver sped and ran over Adil and dragged him for a mile. Then they dropped him on the side and left. His body rolled over and luckily got stuck halfway. Thus, he did not drown in the water. If that happened, his family could not have found his body.
There were several injuries to his body. It was described in previous entries in the Facebook and WhatsApp groups. Eleven of his ribs were crushed and protruded to his lungs. After treatment, his lungs are functioning. All his organs are responding.
When I arrived at the hospital cabin with Ashraf Ibn Noor (5E) and Saiful (45N), Adil was in the OT for dressing. When we got ready to leave, he was brought to the cabin, So we had the opportunity to see him. He was heavily sedated, and therefore, we were not able to speak to him.
His wife told us Adil was recovering from all the traumatic injuries as best as possible. He could speak, his mind was sharp, and he could run a conversation. This is good sign. I am not going through the details of the injuries. It appears that he would be in hospice for a while but appears to have a chance to regain a useful life. Whether he can maintain a career to steer his family is doubtful.
The alumni found out about this matter just three days ago, and the outpouring of goodwill and help is unprecedented. BMAAA has created a fund to help Adil with medical expenses, and the alumni are helping generously.
We understand CCTV Captured the ambulance speeding through the toll booth, and the auto’s identity has been established. Now, the police must capture the driver as it a criminal offense and a willful homicide. The driver is a murderer and should be tried under the full extent of the law.
We should pray for Adil’s recovery. We want to be positive and must follow through with his future.
The Bangladesh Marine Academy Alumni Association (BMAAA) has decided to centralize all donations from our Alumni, which will be collected through our official bank account. We will manage these funds using accounting software to ensure transparency, providing detailed records of deposits and daily statements in the group.
It is urged that all alumni centralize their monetary help through BMAAA. It will be effective, and there would be accountability.
We must devise a system of accident insurance that will help the registered BMAAA members during severe trauma from an accident. We must open our eyes and think of a plan that will work efficiently.
Ghulam Suhrawardi 6N
President BMAAA