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Sainul Hassain 13N, no more……

Sainul Hassain 13N died of a cardiac arrest on 11 December 2023 at 7.30 PM in Bangladesh, Inna lillahi wa-inna ilahe razeun. To Allah, we belong, and to Him is our return. May the almighty give strength to the survivors in his family to withstand this great loss.
His senior M. Khairul Islam wrote;
“Inna Lillahe wa Inna Illaihe Rajaun. Sainul was one batch junior to me, and the news of his death is heartbreaking. He was my Facebook friend, and I enjoyed his postings. He was a gentleman with an evergreen smile. May Allah SWT grant him Jannatul Ferdous. My deepest condolences to the bereaved family members.”
Shankar Panday, his batch mate, wrote:
“This is heartbreaking and shocking. Sainul was my closest friend on Facebook, and I always looked forward to his humorous comments.
A few years ago, his ship was in midstream Mississippi and I was on it. He was signing off and was delighted to see me. He was the only Bengali on that mostly Filipino ship and had a full load of excellent Bengali books by top writers. His books are all here with me. I never imagined, he would pass away so soon. A wonderful personality and full of life. My heart goes out to his family. Rest in eternal peace.
A last salute to another of our BMA alumni.