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বাংলাদেশের দুষ্প্রাপ্য ছবি সমগ্র: ১৯৭০ সালে বয়ে যাওয়া সাইক্লোনে একটি জাহাজ মনপুরা দ্বীপে Bangladesh to purchase six LNG tankers
MarEngr A H M Mamun 15E no more……
MarEngr A H M Mamun 15E no more……
“Inna lillahi wa inna ilihi rajiun”.
Fought against corona for over 4 weeks and breathed his last on 3 Feb 2021 night (possibly on 4th early-morning). His son Rhyme (in Singapore) and his brother M. Nabi (beside Mamun in Liberia) confirmed a few minutes ago. He was engaged in the education of the LMTI; Liberian Maritime Training Institute. Before that, he served BSC, Hong Lam Marine (Singapore), and UK MCA.
May Allah SWT reward him with Jannatul Ferdous and also give patience and courage to his family to accept this great loss.
The family and the friends are working to bring his body to Bangladesh with his younger brother Nabi who arrived in Liberia on 26 January 2021.