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AZQ Hassan 11N no more….
Inna Lillahe wa Inna Ilaihe Rajeun.
He breathed his last on has passed away in Sydney on 25th August, 2020 at 4:11 PM local time.
Message from Captain Zaman 11N
“Dear all,
After leaving academy Hassan and I, were put on MV Dhaka / Khulna for a while and then were transferred to Banglar Mukti that was stationed at Kolkata for 6 months. Year was 1976/7. We two later worked on board Banglar Bani as acting 3rd and 2nd officers before going for our 2nd mates exam in the UK.
Gradually, we two became soulmates and always kept in touch when in holidays. I would often visit his house at Nawbab Katra, Dhaka and he would visit my place at science lab premises.
He and his family migrated to Australia in the end of eighties or begining of nineties .
My wife and I met him in Sydney in 2016 (?) in his res and had some good time together – he even cooked food for us and we all went out together to different places. ( Those of you who may not know – Hassan grew some mental health problems when he went for his 1st mates exam in Ireland and never did fully recover until his death. He did his master mariners exam in Australia even with his mental illness! )
I tried to meet him during our visit of Australia in 2018 too, but couldn’t trace him over phone.
By the way, those of you have read my book নুনকি একটি তারার নাম, must have noticed the name of Abuja – the central character of the book. He is in fact ( nick named and described the character in a little fiction form ) is this Hassan ( Abu Zaman Quamrul Hassan ) , our batch mate.
আজকাল বইটির অনেক পাঠক আমার সাথে দেখা হলে জানতে চায় – আবুজা কেমন আছে, কোথায় আছে ইত্যাদি ?
আমি উত্তরে বলি ভাল আছে I বেশি কিছু বলিনা কারন আমি চাই ‘আবুজা’ একটি ‘ছোট গল্পের’ চরিত্র হয়ে বেচে থাকুক I
Pls pray for the salvation of of our friends soul. He has left behind a daughter named Nunki ( same name as my own daughter ! ). She has done her PhD or doing it now in Australia.
My heart bleeds at his death.
Salam to all
Captain Zaman 11N”
As child, Abu Zaman alias AbuJa lived in Agrabad Colony, Chittagong when father late Ibrahim Akhand worked as an Assistant Director of the then Radio Pakistan, Chittagong.
According to Captain Khairul Anam 9N UK; “Abuja will last forever in our minds as a living character of the true story very creatively written by his batchmate in his book titled, “Nunki Ekti Tarar Naam” – an excellent work by Captain Zaman. A great job is done and many thanks, Zaman!”
Zaman Bhai,
Very sorry to learn that Hasan bhai passed away.
Inna Lillahe Inna Ilahi Rejeun
May God bless his soul.
He had a big heart. A great company to have. I recall our time together on “Banglar Alo”- my first ship . I remember him entertaining us with dialogues of Amjad Khan (Gabbar Singh) from “Sholay”.
Unfortunately, we lost touch after I left for USA in 1993. Did not know he settled in Australia.
Thank you, Zaman Bhai, for conveying this news.
Stay safe and best regards.
Capt Lutfur Rahman, 12 N
in New Jersey, USA.
As salaam Wailaikum,
It isn’t easy to let go of the ones you love. Inna illihi wa inna ilayhi rajioon.
My name is Nunki Hassan. I am the daughter of AZQ Hassan. Thank you for the lovely words. I came across this heartfelt post as I tried to google my paternal grandfathers name (Ibrahim Akhand). It is indeed our great loss, that my father has passed away, but inshallah he will always remain in our hearts. I would like to ask for forgiveness on behalf of my father. I apologise for any hurt or pain he may have caused. Please pardon him for his shortcomings to ease his soul inshallah. My dearest abbu was the most kindest person with the greatest spirit. He taught me to be compassionate towards others and always told me to chase my dreams. Hope Allah grants him the highest level of Jannah. Please keep him in your thoughts and prayers.
Please also reach out to me, I would love to keep in touch with my abbu’s colleagues. You can email me at [email protected].
Kindest Regards,
Dr Nunki Hassan
Sydney, Australia