Please pray for Captain Mohammed Asif Bahar (31N)

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Please pray for Captain Mohammed Asif Bahar (31N)

Asif Bahar and family seeks prayers from the fellow mariners. He was diagnosed with incurable stomach cancer. It was detected almost at the final stage. It was reported that he needs blood transfusion. Anyone who is available to donate B+ blood please contact [email protected] as soon as possible. or:

Delta hospital. beside mirpur bangla college
2nd floor ICU,  mobile no: Emon  01719346086    01671037271

Most patients with early stage stomach cancers have no symptoms of the disease. In other cases, a person with stomach cancer may mistake their symptoms for a common stomach virus.

When the signs and symptoms of stomach cancer are not apparent, the disease may reach advanced stages before a diagnosis is made.

Captain Asif Bahar had an extensive sea experience aboard well- known shipping fleets. His last employment was with Anglo Eastern.

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