Guidelines (Approval and Capacity Building) of Private Maritime Training Institute, 2013

Comments Off on Guidelines (Approval and Capacity Building) of Private Maritime Training Institute, 2013

Government of the People‘s Republic of Bangladesh

Ministry of Shipping


No: Date: 18th December 2013.


In order to ensure training of international standard provided to the seafarers and to follow the guidelines for approval and operation of the Private Maritime Training Institutes in Bangladesh, the ÒGuidelines (Approval and Capacity Building) of Private Maritime Training Institute, 2013Ó formulated in accordance with IMO-STCW, 1978 (as amended) has been approved and published by the Government of Bangladesh for information of all.

Guidelines (Approval and Capacity Building) of Private Maritime Training Institute, 2013


Administration and Approval

1.1 Background

In order to meet the demand for quality merchant ship officers and ratings, as well as to remain abreast of the advances in the latest technology, comply with the changes introduced by IMO STCW Convention 1978, with latest amendments; it is essential to implement a comprehensive Guidelines for Private Maritime Training Institute. In the light of emergence of private sector in country’s maritime training sectors it is very much required to enhance sustainable development and for making a globally demanded world class Private Maritime Training Institutes in Bangladesh. The quality of training to the pre-sea cadets, post-sea officers and ratings must meet the standard required by global merchant marine. The Guidelines (Approval and Capacity Building) of Private Maritime Training Institute is required as a basis for establishment and running of maritime training institutes in Bangladesh suitable for conducting pre-sea, preparatory and ancillary training courses for merchant ship officers and ratings to an international standard of maritime education and training.

1.2 Objectives of Maritime Education and Training

  1. a) To ensure the standard of the education and training in the private maritime training institutes of Bangladesh as per STCW convention and their sustainable functioning with a view to maintain an international accepted level.
  2. b) To enhance and ensure as maritime training institutes capability of complying with the requirements of the STCW 1978 Convention, as amended, and the Rules of the Maritime Administration of Bangladesh in respect of course curriculum, instructor and teaching aids.
  3. c) To ensure maritime training institutes having the infrastructure and academic facilities to train the cadets & ratings and to conduct the preparatory & ancillary courses ensuring that the Bangladeshi seafarers are accepted throughout the world for their professional competence, efficiency and dedication to duty.
  4. d) To ensure maritime training institutes shall have classroom and outdoor activities such as parade, physical training, swimming, boat work, outdoor games, extra-curricular activities, etc. for the cadets and ratings undergoing pre-sea courses for their full mental and physical orientation suitable for international seafaring profession.

1.3 Short title and extent

1.3.1 This policy may be called “The Guidelines (Approval and Capacity Building) of Private Maritime Training Institute, 2013.”

1.3.2 This guidelines shall apply to private maritime training institutes in Bangladesh.

1.4 Definitions

In these rules, unless there is anything repugnant in the subject or context,-

  1. a) “Private Maritime Training Institute” means any academy or institute for maritime education and training approved by the government (Ministry of Shipping) in compliance with the relevant international Conventions and relevant Rules of the maritime administration of Bangladesh.
  2. b) “IMO” means the International Maritime Organization
  3. c) STCW Convention” means the Convention on Standard of Training, Certification and Watchkeeping for Seafarers, 1978 as amended.
  4. d) “STCW Code” means the code annex to the STCW Convention, as amended.
  5. e) “Rules of the Maritime Administration” means the Merchant Shipping Officer & Rating Training, Certification, Employment, Working Hours and Watchkeeping Rules 2011.
  6. f) “Government of Bangladesh” means Ministry of Shipping.
  7. g) “DG, DoS” means the Director General of Department of Shipping, established under the Merchant Shipping Ordinance 1983 (Ordinance No. XXVI of 1983).
  8. h) “Seafarer” means any person who is employed or engaged or works in any capacity on board a ship.
  9. i) “Cadet” means a person under training in order to qualify as an Officer.
  10. j) “Deck Officer” means an officer qualified under regulation II of the STCW convention.
  11. k) “Engineer Officer” means an officer qualified under regulation III of the STCW convention.
  12. l) “Rating” means a member of the ship’s crew other than the master, an officer or a cadet.
  13. m) “Master” means the person in command or in charge of the vessel.
  14. n) “Certificate of Proficiency (COP)” means a certificate, other than a Certificate of Competency issued to a seafarer, stating that the relevant requirements of training, competencies or sea-going service in the convention have been met.
  15. o) “Certificate of Competency (COC)” means a certificate issued to an officer (includes a master) and endorsed by the issuing administration in accordance with the provisions of the Convention and the Code, entitling the lawful holder thereof to serve in a particular capacity and perform the functions involved at the level of responsibility specified therein.
  16. p) “Pre-Sea Training” means the education and training for the cadets and ratings prior to joining ship, in accordance with the requirements of Rules issued by the DoS.
  17. q) “Preparatory Courses” means the course for the cadets, officers and ratings upon completion of the required on board training and before appearing in the examination for the first certificate of competency, and the course for the Deck and Engineer Officers before appearing for his/her next superior certificate of competency, in accordance with the requirements of Rules issued by the DoS.
  18. r) “Ancillary Courses” means the short courses required to be attended by the seafarers as per chapters IV, V & VI of the STCW Code as applicable to them and in accordance with the requirements of Rules issued the DoS, for the issuance of Certificate of Proficiency.
  19. s) “Branch” means nautical and marine engineering.

1.5 Entry into force

This guidelines shall come into effect immediately from the date of issuance of the notification.

1.6 Scope of the guidelines

1.6.1 All new private maritime institutes in Bangladesh shall take approval from the Ministry of Shipping through DG, DoS after fulfilling the requirements contained in this guidelines.

1.6.2 All existing approvals will be considered as provisional approval and for permanent approval the institutes shall apply after compliance with the requirements contained in this guidelines within 3 (three) years for pre-sea and 1 (one) year for post-sea and ancillary courses from the date of its entry into force.

1.6.3 Approval of DG, DoS has to be obtained by all institutes prior running pre-sea, preparatory and ancillary courses. Any proposal for approval of any course or increase in intake in any pre-sea and post-sea courses must be approved by DG, DoS provided the institute has been approved in respect of infrastructure and training facilities.

1.6.4 All existing institutes conducting any DG, DoS approved course(s), as on date, when this guidelines come into effect shall be deemed to have been approved by DG, DoS. The simulators as stated in Sec. 1.15.2 below will have to be installed by the existing institutes within 3 years of coming into effect of this guidelines. For the institute with overseas affiliation resource sharing may be permitted at the discretion of DG, DoS for Pre-sea courses.

1.6.5 The new institutes Preferably be Started with their own Campus but in absence of own Campus may be started with rented campus as per the Clause 2.1 of this guidelines for a period of maximum 4 years. The new institutes have to comply with the other requirements of this guidelines.

1.7 Procedures for approval of the Institute

1.7.1 Application for approval to the Institute:

The proposed Institute shall apply to DoS for approval of Institute in Proforma enclosed (Annex- I). Five copies of the application shall be submitted and should contain details such as:

(a) Name of the Institute. (b) The form of organization which proposes to run the courses.i.e. registered company, having marine education as its main objectives ; (c) Name of Trustees / Management committee members / Directors of the registered Company along with their Curriculum Vitae (CV). (d) Documents describing location of the institute with availability of land as per Sec. 2.1 with the location map of the premises and lay out plan to show the location of class rooms, faculty room, office, library, hostel, dining, auditorium, computer lab, simulator room, seamanship lab, marine engineering workshop, sports & recreational facilities, parade ground are to be submitted with the application; (e) Courses-the Institute intends to conduct (f) CV of Commandant or Director or Principal for the Maritime Unit along with his willingness letter. (g) Plan of basic infrastructure with site plan, building plan duly approved by the competent town planning authority i.e campus, office, academic block, hostel, playground, swimming pool, parade-ground, facility for boating, galley, auditorium, ship in campus, as applicable, etc. (h) Funds for capital to be stated. (i) Number and qualifications of faculty members intended to be appointed along with their consent. (j) The application should be accompanied by a detailed report with reference to section 1.7.1 as the case may be, as to why the application should be accepted for consideration under this guidelines. The Project Feasibility Report (PFR) is required to be submitted and should provide details such as its mission and vision, background of Trust/Company, objectives and scope of the proposed Institution, Quality and Human Resource development policy with regard to faculty recruitment, justification for starting the proposed Institute/Course etc.

1.8 No approval with retrospective effect

Approvals for new Institutes or for commencement of new courses or variation in intake capacity shall be prospective and not with retrospective effect. Institutes shall not pressure on approvals and admit candidates without all their permissions in place. The DoS has instructions in place to Shipping Masters that no candidate admitted in unapproved pre-sea courses/institutes will be issued with a CDC.

1.9 Name of Institute

Name of Institute will have to be approved by DoS. No Institute will be allowed to use or continue to use for the training Institute any title or name which may suggest or be calculated to suggest the patronage of the Government of Bangladesh. Any change in the name of the Institute is required to be submitted to DoS in advance, and approval obtained before using the new name.

1.10 Authorized signatories

All Institutes should forward the names and specimen signatures of two persons who are declared the authorized representative and alternate representative respectively to deal with DoS. No person other than these two persons will be entertained by DoS for any purpose relating to the Institute. Documents submitted by the Institute, signed by other than either of them will not be accepted by DoS. If there is a change in either of them it should be notified to DoS by a resolution signed by all Directors of the owning company. The change should be notified to DoS well in advance and with indication of the date from which the change will be effective.

1.11 Code of Conduct for Advertisements/Brochure/Prospectus

The Institute may advertise for courses in media giving correct information with prior approval of DG, DoS. It should include, inter-alia, the followings:

1.11.1 Eligibility criteria as per DoS guidelines

1.11.2 Names of courses

1.11.3 Course duration

1.11.4 Number of seats sanctioned

1.11.5 Last date of submission of application

1.11.6 Date of commencement of course

1.11.7 Statement mentioning Institute is required to ensure that on board training is provided to the candidates after the successful completion of the course, which is mandatory for obtaining first Certificate of Competency issued by the Department of Shipping, Dhaka

1.11.8. Date of publishing of brochure/prospectus/advertisement. Advertisements should not include the followings:

1.11.9 Assured passing of the candidates

1.11.10 False picture of prospects and high salaries

1.11.11 Mixture of DOS-approved courses and non-DoS-approved courses in the same advertisement. Copies of all advertisements published or used must be sent to the DoS to be kept in the file of the Institutes for record and for inspection as the need arises.

1.12 Registration fee

The Institute shall pay the non-refundable processing fee of Tk. 2,00,000/- (Taka Two Lac only) or as amended time to time by the Government by means of a Demand Draft in favour of the Director General, Department of Shipping along with application for approval to the Institute.

1.13 Funds for capital

Source of funding of Institute for initial capital expenditure and recurring expenditure shall be shown in detail.

1.14 Inspection of infrastructure and facilities

1.14.1 After scrutiny of the application by DoS, the inspection committee will visit the institute to verify the setting up of the infrastructure and training facilities and submit the report. The provisional approval will be granted by DG, DoS for a rented premises with resource sharing training facilities documents after getting acceptance from Ministry of Shipping.

1.14.2 After receiving request from the institute for permanent approval, the inspection committee will inspect and verify the infrastructure and training facilities and submit report. The DG, DoS will recommend for permanent approval after compliance of all the requirements of infrastructure and training facilities mentioned in this guidelines to Ministry of Shipping . Ministry Of Shipping will dispose of the proposal within Forty Five days.

1.15 Verification of Course curriculum and facilities : The head of the Institute shall submit application with all particulars and fees to the DG, DoS for course approval as prescribed in Annex 2.

1.15.1 The inspection committee will conduct a thorough inspection of the institute, its facilities, infrastructure, faculty and campus details and verify the authenticity of the information submitted. If satisfied, approval will be issued by DG, DoS in line with the approval procedure stated in this guidelines.

1.15.2 The requirements for pre-sea and post-sea courses must be as per Annex 3. For courses 2 years or more in duration, phase wise completion is required as follows:

(A) Mandatory Simulation for Pre-sea courses (on Resource Sharing basis): a) Radar Observation and Plotting, b) Automatic Radar Plotting Aid (ARPA), c) Electronic Chart Display and Information Systems (ECDIS), d) Marine Engineering Machinery Operation .

(B) Non-Mandatory types of Simulators: a) Navigation and watchkeeping, b) ship handling and maneuvering, c) cargo handling and stowage, d) reporting and radio-communications, e) main and auxiliary machinery operation.

(C) Optional Simulator: Navigation and ship handling, cargo handling, GMDSS communication, propulsion and auxiliary machinery.

(D) For Post–sea courses: Swimming pool with survival training facilities, Engineering workshop Fire fighting training facilities, Play and parade ground, Machinery operation or Engine room simulator, Cargo control room/liquid cargo handling simulator, all the infrastructure and training facilities should be within own campus.

1.15.3 For preparatory and ancillary courses, availability of infrastructure and facilities are to be as per the requirements of respective IMO model courses as indicated during approval process of the courses.

1.15.4 Academic and Training equipment and facilities are required to be maintained by institute as per office order issued from the DG, DOS; this order shall be updated and amended as necessary due to change of STCW requirements and modernization of technology etc.

1.16 Inspection committee :

An inspection committee will be formed by the DG,DoS comprising of 5 (five) members with representatives from DoS, Bangladesh Marine Academy, National Maritime Institute and of Ministry of Shipping.

1.17 Time frame for Approval procedure

1.17.1 : The DG, DoS shall arrange verification of documents and inspection of the institute within 15 days from the date of receiving application. 1.17.2 The inspection committee shall submit report within 30 days from the date of receiving instruction from DG, DoS. 1.17.3 : The DG, DoS shall send report for approval or refuse or inform the deficiency to the institute and also submit to the Ministry of Shipping for provisional/permanent approval within 30 days of the report. 1.17.4 : The Ministry of Shipping shall give clearance or reject within 45 days after getting the report. If Ministry of Shipping needs any clarification, the 45 days limit will be from the date of getting clarification from DG, DoS.

1.18 Security Deposit

The institute with the application shall deposit a sum of Taka 40,00,000/= (Taka Forty Lac only) for pre-sea and a sum of Taka 20,00,000/=(Taka Twenty Lac only) for post-sea and ancillary courses or as amended time to time by the Government as security money in favor of Director General, Department of Shipping. The money will be kept as a fixed deposit in order to deter any fraudulent activities by the institute. In case of closure of the institute, this money will be refunded after necessary penalty and deductions (if any).

1.19 Validity of Approval

The approval is subject to the following conditions:

1.19.1 The institutes will be inspected annually. Unscheduled visits by the officers nominated by DG, DoS will also be conducted whenever considered necessary. Based on the result of the inspection the approval can be withdrawn as per Sec. 5.2 of this guidelines.

1.19.2 The Institute is allowed to conduct only IMO model courses and marine related courses approved by DG, DoS. If any other type of course(s) is conducted; the DG, DoS must be kept informed.

1.19.3 The approval should be renewed after every 3 years by DG, DoS subject to inspection and verification of the documents by inspection committee.

1.20 Ban on conducting courses not approved by DoS

1.20.1 Normally a Merchant Maritime Training Institute approved by the Department of Shipping should conduct only courses approved by DoS. This is important to give clear picture to the candidates who join the course on the strength of approval of DoS.

1.20.2 The existing training Institutes conducting any other non DoS approved courses in the same premises should approach the DoS with the details of the same before starting the next course, for obtaining no objection from the DoS. Details of infrastructure and other facilities which will be required to be shared should also be indicated in the proposal.

1.20.3 In any case, no course similar to DoS-approved course should be conducted by Institute without prior approval of DoS. A clause should be added in the prospectus and/or brochures and/or advertisements of the concerned non-DoS approved courses mentioning that “This course is not approved by Department of Shipping, Dhaka”.

1.20.4 DG, DoS will quarterly inform Ministry of Shipping about any such development, if occurred.

1.21 Ban on Ragging

Strict measures shall be enforced to prevent ragging of students. All cases of ragging are also to be reported to DG, DoS within 24 hours by a fax massage. Any ragging perpetrated in the institute will be considered as a serious misconduct and leading to suspension of the candidate and appropriate action against the institute.

1.22 Ban on Alcohol and Drugs

The Institute should have a policy banning use of alcohol and drugs in its campus. Infringement of this requirement shall be considered as a serious misconduct by candidate and by the institute.

1.23 Records of Institute

The institute shall maintain records for at least 4 years of all leaflets, advertisements, prospectus, brochures, joining instructions etc. for each enrolment of students to verify compliance in case of any dispute.

1.24 Periodical returns

The Institute shall submit the periodical returns to DoS. The returns should be forwarded strictly in the format as per Annex-5 on hard copy as well as on soft copy/e-mail. A course diary as per Annex-5 to be strictly maintained and be available during periodic inspection by DOS. The returns should be forwarded strictly in the format, on hard copy as well as on soft copy on pen-drive/e-mail, as follows: a. List of proposals pending with DoS b. Statistics on selection of candidates for pre-sea courses c. Monthly details on the courses conducted in the Institute d. List of candidates who attended the courses, and e. List of permanent and visiting faculty members. f. DG, DoS will submit to the Ministry of Shipping a summarized report of the institution and follow up action taken by DoS.

  1. 25 Etiquette and policy for marketing of Bangladeshi Seafarers

The Institute should have a programme for imparting training to the pre sea candidates with respect to etiquette and other soft skills.

1.26 Annual Returns

The institute shall submit the annual returns to the DG, DoS covering the annual English calendar as per Annex 6. The return is to reach the DG, DOS by 31 January of the next year.

1.27 Placement

The institute shall arrange issuance of CDC within 3 months of completion of training and placement of every cadet on board vessel for required sea training after completion of pre-sea training, which shall be within 6 months after issuance of the CDC. The engagement of the cadets shall be on board vessels suitable for gaining required sea time. The institute will be responsible to arrange the total sea training required for the next COC of the cadet within 2 years time. A quarterly report of the placement shall be submitted to the DoS by the institute. The DG DoS will take actions as per the policy for the defaulter institute regarding placement.

1.28 Quality Management System Certification

The institute must have valid ISO Quality Management System certification from an approved Recognized Organization (RO) as per the valid requirement of the STCW Convention 1978 as amended.

1.29 Affiliation of university

Affiliation of maritime institutes with any recognized university/college/institute shall have approval from the Ministry of Shipping through DG, DoS.


Academic facilities

2.1 Campus

2.1.1 The institute shall have an independent campus with an area of minimum 200 decimal (2 acres) at any place of the country or 30,000 sq.feet floor space in metropolitan area for pre-aea cadet and ratings training, for post-sea courses, minimum 66 decimal (2 bighas) land area at any place of the country or minimum 15000 sq.feet floor space in a metropolitan city.

2.1.2 For existing institute having 1+1 Facilities (collaboration with international institutes), the minimum campus requirements mentioned in section 2.1.1 will be proportionate with accademic year basis. It will be applicable for the metropolitan area.

2.1.3 Every course approved by DG, DoS is to be conducted in the approved campus.

2.1.4 There will be campus and accommodation for pre-sea training for both the cadets and ratings. The accommodation and class room for ratings shall be separated from those of the cadets.

2.1.5 The campus and accommodations for pre-sea training are to be housed within the same boundary wall so that pre-sea trainees do not have to leave the premise other than approved for outdoor programs.

2.1.6 Rented premise may only be allowed for no more then 4 years from the date of this guideline coming into effect for the existing institute and from the date of the provisional approval date for the new institute.

2.1.7 Approval will be granted for a single campus of an institute and any branch or city campus for the post sea officers shall be approved separately by the DG, DoS.

2.1.8 Relocating an institute or to conduct any course/part of course outside their Campus shall also require prior approval from DG, DoS. All correspondence with the institute will be made only to the address where the institute is physically located. Any change of address for correspondence or contact numbers shall be communicated immediately to the DG, DoS. Residential facilities for post-sea students are not mandatory but preferable.

2.2 Class Rooms

The number of students in a class room shall not be more than 30. DG,DoS may relax it up to 40 for existing institution for maximum 1 year. The size of the class rooms shall not be less than 40 sq m. There must have an auditorium adequately sized to accommodate at least a whole session intake. A computer and projector for Power Point presentations and white board in each class rooms when required must be available.

2.3 Accommodations

In the dormitory, room for each student is to be minimum 3 square meters per student if in 2 tier bunks and 4 square meters if in single tier bunk. The size of mattress should not be less than 1800 mm x 800 mm x 50 mm. In case of 2 tire bunks the clear head room above the lower mattress should not be less than .9 meters and the ceiling fans are to be at safe heights to avoid injury. The size of Cupboard should be at least 2 meters x .45 meters x .5 meters for each student to be provided.

2.4 Dining

The institute must have dining facilities to accommodate all the trainees of the pre sea courses in one sitting dinner at a time. The trainees are to follow western method of dining facilities with combined tables and individual chairs.

2.5 Library

A library shall be in place and adequately stocked, furnished and with control of ambient temperature. Library shall be provided with text books according to the requirement of all the courses run by the institute and IMO references, in addition to other reference books and publications. Newspapers and magazines of both technical and general nature shall also be provided. Library facility shall be made available for at least 2 hours beyond class hours.

2.6 Computer and projection facility

Computer and audio visual presentation facility shall be available in the classrooms as and when required.

2.7 Visual training aid

Videos/CDs/DVDs etc. should be available on various topics including Bridge watch keeping procedure, passage planning, docking, Ship safety, ISM, MARPOL, IGS, GMDSS, SOLAS, ISPS Code, Anchors & cables, Boat-work, Hot-work, ROR, navigation, cargo work etc.

2.8 Computer training

At least one operational workstation for every two students of the biggest class of the institution is to be in place with MS Office including Word, Excel and Power Point. The computer facilities are to be available for use by the students during extra curricular activities; self study periods and during private times that are off-class hours and holidays.

2.9 Communication facilities

Adequate instructions for communication skill development during pre-sea courses are to be conducted in a language lab.

2.9.1 Internet facility

Internet shall be available on the campus for use by candidates on holidays and after class hours on working days. At least one Internet workstation shall be provided for every 5 candidates.

2.9.2 Telephone

Institute shall provide adequate numbers of land phones within the campus. Use of mobile phones by pre sea students shall be strictly restricted within specific timings unless in an emergency under an instructor’s supervision.

2.10 Recreation room

A dedicated recreation room with indoor games such as table tennis, carom, scrabble, draughts, chess, TV with cable connection, etc. shall be provided for use by the students.

2.11 Prayer room

There must have allocated space where students can offer regular prayers.

2.12 Ship-type mast

A ship-type mast for practice in mast climbing must be provided in a convenient location in the campus.

2.13 Dispensary and medical emergencies

The institute shall ensure that parents/guardians are fully aware of the nature and extent of medical facilities being provided by the institute for the entire period of study without any scope for ambiguity before the candidate takes admission to the institute. Every institute is to have a medical officer in its permanent staff if the institute is not within 10 km off from a proper medical centre/hospital. A transport should always be available within reasonable time to work as a patient evacuation vehicle.

2.14 Physical Training and other facilities and activities

The institute must have space for parade training, physical training, gymnasium, indoor and outdoor games and other facilities such as ship type mast, auditorium adequate for the number of pre-sea trainees. The daily routine and yearly calendar shall be provided and followed to develop the disciplined life among the cadets. The sports and cultural activities shall be arranged in order to develop the team spirit.

2.15 Uniform

Wearing of uniforms by the students for all pre-sea courses will be compulsory.

2.16 Alternative Source of Electric Supply

An alternative source of electric power shall be available within 5 minutes of the main power supply goes off.


Organization and Employment

3.1 Student Intake


Intake of students can take place maximum twice per calendar year which should be either January/February or June/July of the year. Each intake will be considered as an independent section and facilities and faculty requirement shall be fulfilled for each section. The information and details of students intake and commencement of the classes shall be reported to the DoS within one week.


Annual common intake examination conducted by DG, DoS may start within 3 years.

3.2 Faculty

All members of the faculty are to be adequately qualified and competent on relevant subjects. At least one of the marine professionals in each branch and each class of studies shall be on full-time employment of the institute. In case of merchant marine officers the members of faculty are to be qualified as per the requirements of Section 36 of the Merchant Shipping Officer & Rating Training, Certification, Employment, Working Hours and Watchkeeping Rules 2011.

3.3 Appointment of faculty members

The appointment letter of the faculty members to be submitted for granting approval of the institute or the course as per Annex-4. Any new appointment or change in faculty must be informed to the DG, DoS.

3.4 Visiting faculty members and guest instructors

In view of the paucity of instructors in specialized subjects and in order to cater to instructional requirements, visiting faculty members may be resorted to. The institute should arrange as many guest-lectures as possible by distinguished persons from the society/industry having managerial responsibilities related to the course.

3.5 Qualifications and attributes of faculty

  • Only properly trained and qualified personnel as specified in section 3.2 shall be employed for instruction purposes keeping in view the requirements as per Annex-3 and 5.
  • Faculty members should be capable of clear, loud, vocal communication in English, and when interacting with ratings, be capable of expressing in Bangla.
  • Maximum age of the Head of the Institute and faculty members/instructors shall not exceed 65 years. Extension beyond 65 years shall only be granted by the Ministry of Shipping depending on the merit of an application.


Course facilities and fees:

4.1 Size of class

The number of students in a class shall not exceed 40. For practical and other work where greater inter-action is necessary, the class should be sub divided into groups of not more than 20 candidates per instructor.

4.2 Verification of documents

Before admission, all original documents in support of the applicant meeting the admission standards must be scrutinized and verified by the institute. On successful completion of pre-sea training course, a cadet will be eligible for getting CDC from Govt. Shipping Office, after carrying out necessary formalities. The scrutiny and verification of authenticity of the documents shall also be carried out by the Shipping Office at the time of issuance of CDC. The institute must retain an attested copy duly signed by the respective candidate for a period of 4 (Four) years after completion of the course.

4.3 Practical training and resource sharing

Facilities for practical training in the institution are preferred. However, resource sharing with some other government or private organization approved by the DG, DoS, may be allowed for maximum 4 years as per section 1.9.2 of this guidelines. The resource sharing period may be extended at the discretion of DG DoS for maximum next 2(two) years subject to other conditions fulfillment and development of the institute.

4.4 Term End and Final Examination

There shall be four terms to divide the syllabus and arrange the lesson plan. At the end of each term , there shall be a term end examination consisting of written, oral and practical segments. Also at the end of two years training there shall be a final examination, except and till otherwise provided, which to be conducted by the institute itself. The institutes running 1+1 programme with internationally reputed colleges/institutes may divide the syllabus and hold examination as per requirement (upto their part) of affiliated college/institutes. The institutes shall retain the answer scripts, result sheets and other assessment records for at least 4 years thereafter. The DoS may at his discretion conduct an central examination of all training institute to assess the quality of training.

4.5 Evaluation and monitoring

The institute shall have in place a transparent system for continuous evaluation during the course of training, to ensure that the course objectives are being attained. Duly filled up feed back forms from the candidates are to be maintained for a period of 4 years. The trainees should be encouraged to offer their feedback in their own handwriting, without having to disclose their identity. In order to ensure that proper evaluation has been done, a committee appointed by DG, DoS may review assessment records at random.

4.6 Entry of Final certificates in DoS registers

The institution will apply for registration number from DG, DoS as soon as a course has been completed. After issuance of the certificates, the list and photocopy of all the certificates shall be communicated to the DG, DoS by the institute within 2 weeks after date of issuance.

4.7 Log-book

The institute shall maintain a ‘Log Book’ containing the following daily details:

  • Day and Date.
  • Period covered: 24 hours from 0001 to 2359.
  • Record of all routine activities.
  • All sports/ club/extra-curricular activities.
  • Daily presence state of trainees.
  • Any breach of discipline and actions taken thereon.
  • Times of interruption of main electric supply.
  • Times when alternate source of power switched on and off.
  • Any other matter of significance not covered above.

4.8 Daily Academic Register

The institute shall also maintain ‘Daily Academic Register’ for every course to record the following daily events:

  • Day, date and time of instructional periods.
  • Location and address of class rooms where each period is conducted.
  • Course wise students present and absent list with reasons.
  • Period wise subjects covered with name of instructor.
  • Overall class performance.
  • Any matter of importance.

4.9 Fees

The Institute may charge admission fee, tuition fee, messing, accommodation, uniform, books, internet, hair cut, sports, magazine and any other fees for any kind of services from the candidates. The total fees and segmented fees of all services will be charged from a candidate are to be printed in the prospectus and brochures. The total admission fee wil be payable by minimum two equal instalments. No hidden and subsequent charges shall be imposed on the candidates even for the issuance of CDC and placement. The service charges shall not be excessive and unreasonable. As a social responsibility the institute may offer full or part scholarship or weaver on the fees to the poor and deserving students who have excellent academic results and declared by the board of directors.


Disciplinary action

5.1 Role of the Department of Shipping

5.1.1 Annual and unscheduled inspection for verification of infrastructure, faculty, course standard etc. shall be conducted by DG, DoS teams with professional members of seafaring

5.1.2 The report if contain deficiencies, the institute shall be given chance to explain its submission and arguments in response within a specific time.

5.2 Major deficiencies: Intentional violation of the instructions of the DG, DoS with a motive to circumvent rules/guidelines, and profession of any unlawful practice shall be ramified as a major deficiency. Major deficiency shall comprise of any item such as:

5.2.1 enrolment of the number of students in excess of approval,

5.2.2 admission to ineligible candidates,

5.2.3 inadequacy of the faculty to impart training,

5.2.4 irregularities in fees, 5.2.5 irregularities in teaching hours and

5.2.6 break-down of general discipline

5.2.7 any other significant lapse from the guidelines. In the event of such deficiencies being noted during inspection, they should be reported to the DG, DoS immediately.

5.2.8 Failure to the cadet’s employment on ship as per guidelines conditions.

5.3 Withdrawal of approval

Detection of any major deficiencies lead to imposition of penalty or withdrawal of approval of the course and/or the institute with prior approval of the Ministry of Shipping. Withdrawal can be either temporary or permanent, DG, DoS will take necessary approval from Ministry of Shipping in this regards. Categories are explained below:

5.3.1 Temporary withdrawal of course approval

Temporary withdrawal means that the course which is being actually conducted shall be allowed to run and be completed so as not to adversely affect the students undergoing the said course, and on completion on due date, no fresh batch shall be allowed to join for the course(s) for which the withdrawal of approval has been imposed. On rectification of the deficiencies, the institution may apply and on approval of the DG, DoS, the temporary withdrawal may be rescinded and the batches for the re-approved course(s) can begin once again as per relevant criteria and guidelines for the course at the time of restoration of approval.

5.3.2 Permanent withdrawal of course approval

Permanent withdrawal means discontinuation of the course with immediate effect. And the course can not be conducted or re-started till fresh approval has been taken from DG, DoS. If the institute has already admitted students to the next course, collected fees etc. it shall return the fees and intimate the students about withdrawal of approval. If the deficiencies as a result of which the approval to the course was permanently withdrawn have been rectified to the satisfaction of the DG, DoS then the permission should be applied for once again with payment of non-refundable processing fees. Necessary inspections will be conducted prior to any approval granted.

5.3.3 Withdrawal of institute approval

If the type of major deficiencies warrants a permanent withdrawal of approval of the institute, then the institute shall be closed soon after the current courses are completed or as is directed by the DG, DoS.

5.3.4 Immediate cancellation of institute approval

In cases of serious fraud like; faked records, issue of false certificates without courses etc. or where the deficiencies are so serious that DG, DoS comes to the conclusion that the approval should be withdrawn from the institute itself, that is for all the approved courses in the institute without even waiting for the current batches of students to complete the course, such action may be taken with immediate effect. Attempts should however be made by the institute to get the eligible students so adversely affected by such immediate withdrawal admitted into some other training institution, after such cancellation. 5.4 Procedure for withdrawal

In every case, a show-cause notice and the category of withdrawal contemplated will be issued by the DG, DoS indicating the specific deficiencies within 7 working days of detecting the errors. The reply should be given within 7 working days of receiving the show cause. Thus, opportunity will be given to the institute to present its case prior to the final decision on any withdrawal/ cancellation.

5.5 Undertaking

An undertaking on an appropriate non judicial stamp by the institute stating that the institute is liable for all consequences including the settlement of all dues to the students and other agencies arising out of the closure of the institute/courses is to be submitted to the DG, DoS while applying for approval for the institute. If the closure is prior to the completion of a course, the institute is liable to return the course fee collected from the students for the academic year not completed.

5.6 Appeal against the punishment

Any institute which has been given punishment of closure or withdrawal of any approval may appeal to the Secretary , MoS within 15 days of the cause of action.

By the order of President,

Nasir Arif Mahmud

Joint Secretary

Ministry of Shipping.

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