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March 19, 2016
Various email strings
On Tue, Mar 8, 2016 at 10:21 PM, Zillur Rahman Bhuiyan <[email protected]> wrote:
Dear Baten,
Assalaamu Alaikum
I would like to inform you that Capt. Khair has paid Taka Fifty Lac today to BMMOA as contribution to the fund being raised for release of four Bangladeshi seafarers imprisoned in Nigeria..
Kind regards
Zillur (11 BD)
Sent: Tuesday, March 08, 2016 10:31 PM
To: [email protected]
Subject: [BDMariners] Four Bangladeshi seafarers imprisoned in Nigeria – Fund raising
Assalamu Alaikum,
Dear Zillur Sir (11, BD),
Many thanks for your below email that today 08 March 2016 Khair Bhai (14C) has paid Taka Fifty Lac to BMMOA.
I will post this email in our Global Mariners Groups.
Kind regards
Baten (18, Singapore)
On Mar 18, 2016 7:34 PM, “Mohd. Mehrul Karim” <[email protected]> wrote:
Dear Baten,
Dear Zillur Sir,
And others as applicable,
Fund contribution – last date is almost over. We just had an open floor discussion last night on the occasion of JMAAA hosted dinner at Chittagong. Now I would like to share my very own observation/s. A similar sentiment was there in the JMAAA dinner too. However, I am not in a position to talk about JMAAA but definitely I feel that I must share my own view and/or the open questions as follows;
1.0 Status of FUND collection;
- As per the extract from below email – ” Many thanks for your below email that today 08 March 2016 Khair Bhai (14C) has paid Taka Fifty Lac to BMMOA.
I will post this email in our Global Mariners Groups.” Last night the GS of BMNOA updated all in the dinner during the Q&A session that he did NOT receive the money as yet. The GS further said that as far as he knew the cheque was still in Dhaka and as such BMNOA could not deposit the cheque into its account. This means, money from the agent has not yet been paid /received by BMNOA in reality.
- We all got fully stunned and confused on what was really happening????
2.0 04 seafarers BACK GROUND etc.,;
- Out of 04, 01 is from MA, 02 from FA and 01 rating. None of us knows if any mariners from FA has come out with his help so far.
- Out of 04, 02 gone through shipping office CTG, 01 through the manning agent without the knowledge of shipping office and 01 how went NONE knew not even the manning agent. So, automatically out of 04 – only 02 can be considered for our help, if at all.
- Until now, there is NO official complaint from the family members of the unfortunate sea farers to the BD Administration. This is another grey area – why the family members are so reluctant to do so. Without any complain, Government cannot initiate any assistance from their own.
- If the family members themselves neither worried nor in any action, why should we the outsiders poke our nose into this?
3.0 Local LAWYER issue;
- The family members did agree on very 1st instance to provide the POA to Capt. MAK and by overnight they changed their mind. Nobody knew why so.
- Capt. MAK did pull himself out of this case with deep frustration. I feel that we all should be made aware of the fact behind the reason Capt. MAK’s U turn.
- I think we should bring back Capt. MAK into the case.
4.0 Manning AGENT etc.,;
- What was the role of manning agent? Did anyone try to find out?
- How the amount ’50 lacs’ was decided? Why not all 400,000.00 USD?
- Why the whole responsibility suddenly was taken onto our shoulder instead of manning agent?
- Why / how the issue was kept undisclosed for past one year?
- Even why the family members did not come out for help?
- What spirit did work among us influencing to generate such a big fund within a month only after being surfaced?
- Our so many unemployed cadets / officers are passing terrible time at present and we could not come out with any planned financial help for these boys until now. None of us ever gave a thought to this as should be where as we all suddenly became so active / involved to initiate the fund raising of USD 400,000.00 within just one month for an issue which was easily kept covered for 01 year!!!
We all should now start focusing on our own action/s so that the community is benefitted as a whole. We must say enough is enough at one stage.
Kind regards
Mehrul (16 E)
From: Tareq nabik <[email protected]>
To: [email protected]
Cc: [email protected]
Sent: Saturday, March 19, 2016 10:59 AM
Subject: RE: [BDMariners] Four Bangladeshi seafarers imprisoned in Nigeria – Fund raising
Dear Mehrul Bhai
With due respect I will like to point out that you are able to find many reason why we should not do anything to free those 4 boys. Yor are telling us how it might be ok for us not to do anything because they are being abandon by their agent, family, FA, government, and many other reasons. I do not know why so many Mariners have decided to give so much but I know for me only reason was to save those boys from a hell and save their lives. I hope you have not forgotten that ships go out of their way to save the sailors when they receive a SOS. At that moment they do not debate why they should not do it. I will be very happy to follow your direction if you can show us a way to rescue those boy’s. But mixing this issues with many other problem is not going to solve any.
I hate to come in defense of Kahir Bhai, may be he should pay all 400000 dollars but at least he has paid 64000 dollars. I think we should try to follow the leadership of BMMOA to resolve the issue. Trying to fragment us is not going to help the cause. I hope you take no offense of my feedback.
Best regards
Tareq 23rd E ( USA )
On Mar 19, 2016 2:25 AM, “‘M Rashid’ via Global Professional Mariners” <[email protected]> wrote:
Dear Tareq ,
I share and fully support your concern for not creating any division among us and not to disturb/divert the on going humanitarian effort . We are lucky that we have got very dedicated leaders like Zillur sir and Baten sir for the community at this digital age. We do not want to lose it. Also we do not want it to be misused or underused.
We can describe our present situation like a mother whose kid is drowning in deep water in front of her eyes but she does not know how to swim, no body is around her for rescue.
Now she has two options;
Option No.1 : To jump into water to show mother’s love without calculating related consequences .
Option No.2 : To look and call for some one who can really save the life of her child.
Mother’s love has divine charm and wins over all logic and earthly sense and calculation.
Those who support no.1 can’t be undermined for their great hearts and efforts. It has separate beauty. It is needed to move this world forward.
Our steps including mine so far has gone for No. 1 but Meherul sir has pointed out for No.2
Option no. 2 may include a cruel mother , So far we know Meherul sir, he did not mean to keep silent for these guys in Nigerian jail.
But we should think for a while either our softness and great hearts are risking the life and jobs for rest of the seafarers or not.
We should think either we are placing them in the hands of corrupt practices or not under the present volatile job markets.
We can not be soft with every body at every time. If I do anything wrong , the community should not allow me to continue.
In brief , we want our people to be rescued from the hell and at the same time have to stop its reoccurrence.
With best regards,
On 19 Mar 2016, at 9:57 PM, Tareq nabik <[email protected]> wrote:
Dear Rashid Bhai
Good to here from you. I enjoy this forum because it’s ability to bring so many of us together. In my vew this forum is more successful because how it allow the diversity in the opinion among our fellow mariners. I enjoy and encourage the diversity of the opinion. This will make us strong community. I hope that we can bring about a mechanism where we are able to take all these difference of opinion and hash out a unified policy. What I am trying to say that we need to internalize Mehrul Bhai’s vew point and merge it with our and refine the effort so that not only we solve current issue but also place a safegurd for the future. I understood what he and you tried to say.
Best regards
Tareq 23rd E ( USA )
Sent: Friday, March 18, 2016 11:52 PM
To: Tareq nabik; [email protected]
Subject: RE: [BDMariners] Four Bangladeshi seafarers imprisoned in Nigeria – Fund raising
Dear Tareq,
I did undergo one of the most difficult situation in BD shipping when JAHAN MONI was taken by Somali pirates. I was directly involved from day one until the issue was over.
At anytime since 2011 – the company I am working with is maintaining no less than 50 cadets 365 days basis in it’s fleet.
We all know why BD seamen are not having visa etc., for joining / leaving ship. For few of us the whole community is suffering.
We cannot always pass the ball to the manning agents. Basically this is their bread earning. But they can never succeed if there is no buyer for their products. In this case it did NOT happen.
No further comment from my end on this issue. FYKi;
1.0 Capt Zillur Sir IS MY IDOL. I am the last person to let any damage to happen to him.
2.0 Capt. KHAIRUL is my very close / family friend. What I am trying to do is – TO AWAKE KHAIR’S sense of responsibility. We got in our life whatever we wanted and now it is leave things / room for our sons.
3.0 Capt MAK is one of the most strong / courageous character in our community. If their is some misunderstanding among us we can immediately solve same.
Kind regards
Mehrul ( 16E)
From: [email protected] [mailto:[email protected]] On Behalf Of Shah Moqbul Huda
Sent: Saturday, March 19, 2016 12:57 PM
To: [email protected]
Cc: [email protected]
Subject: Re: [BDMariners] Four Bangladeshi seafarers imprisoned in Nigeria – Fund raising
Dear sirs,
We would like to save 4 life from hell & myself also contributed for same reason.
Same time these questions logical to be raised:
– how these boys were victimised
– what precaution manning agent took to verify the ship owner & ships identity.
– can we get a copy of their employment contract from manning agent.
– Statement of Fact of the Bangladeshi Electrician who managed to escape.
– why we are not aware of situation after 11-12 months
– what steps manning agent took initial 10-11 months ( may be they have communicated with ship owner & what was the outcome).
– why Capt MAK sir was removed from the action group
– if any legal action can be taken against Manning agent or any other if proven guilty by marine forum leaders!!!
– many more questions to ask!!!
Our example of unity for these 4 unfortunate guys should not be inspiration for corrupted peoples. If tomorrow another 6 guys are victimised, are we ready to come out with another 600K??
I hope all donation drive is over by now. We would like to thank Meherul sir to surface his queries after donation drive which he could point out Long before.
We would like to save these 4 mariners & same time we want to make sure nobody suffered or trapped into same fate because of job crisis.
Sorry if disappointed anybody.
Jewel 26E
Sent: Saturday, March 19, 2016 10:14 AM
To: [email protected]
Cc: [email protected]
Subject: RE: [BDMariners] Four Bangladeshi seafarers imprisoned in Nigeria – Fund raising
Dear Zillur Bhai,
Salam. We have been talking a lot and now let us tell something to go forward without any further delay.
Looking at the nature of the issue, may I share my views as follows;
- The DIRECT stake holders who are belived to be and/or should be fully informed and be in the DRIVING SEAT of the situation are
The above stake holders MUST know the fact / reference etc., from day one which is a must for the legal fight for own favor. In fcat, only these parties will be ready / are obliged to spare their full time / effort on the case to go forward without any break. Unfortunately, this team formation has NOT yet been done. And until we do this, it will be extremely difficult to bring an end of the issue in time or may even become a never ending matter. In fact, a patient must speak his problem to the doctor by himself, not through others for a timely recovery.
- On the other hand, having little and/or no information on the situation, we may not be on DRIVING SEAT on this rescue operation. Most of us will not be able to give our full time on the day to day development on the case. Hence, we may send our strong message to the above team that WE ALL ARE behind them and MONEY NOT A PROBLEM. Also we can communicate with the local adminstration etc., for the necessary help / assitance to facilitate the rescue operation and to seal the loop holes to prevent the recurrence in future.
Kind regards
Mehrul (16)