Captain Mozammel Haque (16N, Academy no. 743) passed away

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Captain Mozammel Haque passed away at 9.28 PM on 20th October, 2015 as a result of a brain hemorrhage. The Physicians operated in his brain but could not keep him alive. His dead body was buried in his hometown Bhairab.


Many have fond memories of Mozammel Haque and comments from Mr. Moin Ahmed summarize this man.


From: Moin Ahmed <[email protected]>
Date: Saturday, 24 October 2015
Subject: Mozammel left us – his Namaz e Janazah
To: “Baten M.A.” <[email protected]>
Dear Baten,


Aas salamu aalaikum. I was away, when Mohiuddin circulated the sad news of our fellow mariner Capt. Mozammel’s death. Inna lillahe Waa Inna Ilaihe Raazeun. May the Almighty Allah Subhanahu Taala forgive him and place him in Jannatul Firdaus. At this hard time, I wish to express my solidarity to his family members and friends and pray to the Almighty to bestow strength to them to withstand this loss and pray for him always. As you always do, I would be grateful, if you could kindly convey my few words to his family members and friends.


Capt. Mozammel was a perfect gentleman with very good qualities. Most probably he served with me on M.V. Banglar Joy. He was a mariner who undertook a very challenging role of the training of inland shipping deck personnel. As we know, inland shipping of Bangladesh is a tragedy stricken area where we see unfortunate accidents very often that causes loss of lives. In this context he was doing a great job following our respected pioneer mariners like Janab Anis Ahmed, Mar. Eng. Tareck Anis Ahmed, Capt. M. Shafi, Capt. Q.A.B.M. Rahaman and some others, who had spent significant amount of time of their career in the development of inland shipping sector since pre-independence period of our country.


I do recall his memory with profound respect, in particular, while he invited us in 2006 (IMO delegation working on the IMO-Interferry Pilot Project on Safety of Non-Convention Vessels in Bangladesh) to visit his institution Deck Personnel Training Centre’ in Narayanganj. His role as the Principal of the institute, not only reflected his enthusiasm and initiatives about inland shipping safety by rendering training to inland shipping crews, but also he proudly expressed that he would continue to play that role for the rest of his life. I was highly impressed by knowing his dedication. Since dissemination of knowledge (education and training) to people is one of the three basic capitals for our ‘after lives’, I feel it appropriate to recall and write few words about late Capt. Mozammel’s role in this field and pray for him.


At this point in time I, also wish to thank the BMMOA for organizing Doa Mahfil for the departed souls of our fellow mariners and for the recovery of Mr. Sanaul form illness.


With best wishes,


Moin Ahmed


  1. Sabur Ahmed says:

    Our immediate senior Mozammel Bhai ( 16 N ) was an excellent person whom we can remember always .

    His dedication to inland shipping crew improvement is unforgettable.

    I could not think of his premature death . It is ALLAH who knows the best and I pray to Allah to place him to Jannath .

    I request marine community to come forward if we could be do any kind of support to his family if needed.


    Capt. Sabur Ahmed ( 17 N )