Maritime Education in Bangladesh Role of Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman Maritime University



Md. Abul Kalam Azad

MARITIME background of Bangladesh may well be traced back thousands of years, as revealed by the maritime archaeology of the region. From time immemorial, our sailors sailed the high seas of the globe to promote trade and commerce and dialogue among civilisations. This made Bangladesh a common destination of the foreign merchants. Because of this, it became a prominent centre of maritime knowledge and craftsmanship. Small and large boats and ships were built in Bangladesh. After meeting local demands, they were exported for overseas use. As of today, Bengal (present day Bangladesh and West Bengal) ships were widely acclaimed for their architecture, speed, durability and purposefulness. These quality vessels were essential for overseas trade and commerce across the seas and to harness the maritime resources therein.

Higher learning centres of the region were engaged in cultivation and dissemination of maritime education. Acquiring knowledge from Bengal tradition, dedicated maritime seats of learning and universities flourished in the East and West since the 18th century. Following Japan, China, Taiwan, Singapore, Myanmar, the UK and USA, and the Indian Maritime University, the Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman Maritime University (BSMRMU) was established on October 26, 2013, by an Act of the Government bearing number 47 of the same year. In fact, the establishment of the ever first maritime university in the country is a great success of the government and the people of Bangladesh.

The two recent historical verdicts by international courts of law have created a new vista for maritime higher education in Bangladesh. Through those epoch making verdicts of the International Treaties on the Laws of the Seas (ITLOS) we have won far reaching territories in the sea; thereby confirming our maritime demarcation lines with two important neighbours — India and Myanmar — by the Bay of Bengal and the adjoining Indian Ocean.

Therefore, it is essential to train specialised maritime manpower to effectively safeguard and harness our enormous ocean resources in a scientifically updated manner. To that end, with the upward trend in higher maritime education at home and abroad, the BSMRMU Act was promulgated and the university started functioning with the following aims and objectives:

* To keep pace with, and to be at par with, the progressive world in maritime related higher education at various levels;

* To cultivate and disseminate knowledge at local, regional and international levels of maritime higher education and research with  a modern approach and;

* To act as a central university in maritime higher education in Bangladesh, having both on-campus and affiliating and constituent powers all over Bangladesh.

The Act provides for undergraduate and post-graduate studies in all maritime faculties — secured ship movement management and administration; naval architecture and engineering; oceanography; international maritime law; maritime strategy; maritime security; ship building engineering; hydography; ocean resources; maritime legislature; and all other areas of maritime sciences as may be annexed from time to time. Subjects like ocean science, information technology, environment, energy, economics, business, etc. may also be opened in course of further development of the university. Additionally, it will award professional degrees along with vocational maritime diplomas and short courses, providing jobs for thousands on board international flag carriers.

In order to make the university more professional, the Senate and Syndicate of BSMRMU have been made very strong bodies in the context of Bangladesh public universities. Along with conventional members they are further enriched by six secretaries to the government from different ministries. Additionally, they provide for chairmen of Bangladesh Branch of two prestigious international bodies –Nautical Institute (NI-London) and Institute of Marine Engineering, Science and Technology (IMarEst- London), along with President of the Bangladesh Ocean Going Ship Owner’s Association. Their advice from diversified angles and support from different points of view will definitely add impetus to achieve the aims and objectives of the maritime university in a concerted way. The President of the People’s Republic of Bangladesh is the Chancellor of the University, which is controlled by the University Grants Commission and the ministry of education. In view of its international context, the medium of instruction of the university is English.

An important aspect of the university is its power of affiliation of academies and institutes in the country. BSMRMU, as a central maritime university, will act as a sole body to affiliate all maritime academies and institutes all over Bangladesh for graduation purposes. It may make some of them constituent ones under statutes to be framed by the University from time to time. In this context, regulations for affiliation should apply.

It is mentionable that the BSMRMU will also act as a coordination body among maritime security organisations like navy, coastguard, public and private universities, marine academies, institutions, etc. regarding higher maritime education in Bangladesh. It will set a common goal, avoid duplication in research and, thus, all maritime institutes and
academies will act in harmony.

Maritime studies in Bangladesh would not have been complete without generous contribution from the Bangladesh Navy (BN). The contribution of BN towards building a strong higher maritime education sector in Bangladesh is manifest by its constant support towards strengthening Marine Academy, Marine Fisheries Academy, etc., and recently in the formative stage of the BSMRMU.

The implementation of the Act, making the maritime university fully operative, will not only enhance the cultivation and dissemination of maritime knowledge, but will also fulfill the aspirations of the marine communities in a better way under the joint collaboration of marine and naval personnel of Bangladesh.

Thus, when nearly 90% of our export and import is carried out through the seas and when it is imperative that we protect our coastal economic and continental shelf in the sea to harness and manage its huge resources in a scientific way, we must support the role of BSMRMU in higher maritime education as is envisaged in Act Number 47 of 2013. For our security and sustainability we cannot afford to be weak at sea. Such awareness will ensure our free trade in the sea; control pollution in the sea; save our ports, harbours and coastal establishments, and survey and research on the seas; prevent piracy and stop illegal fishing in our seas. Additionally, like countries such as the UK, the USA, Japan and India, we must also ensure our presence at the Arctic zone with research vessels to establish our right there as per the provisions of the Arctic Act, 1961. And such collaborative activities in the field of maritime education and research with the BSMRMU as a common platform will help us to rise as a stronger maritime power locally, regionally and globally.

Source: The Daily Star

  1. Khalid Masud says:

    It is a dumb news report. The university is going to be a waste of money and unnecessary burden on the people of Bangladesh. The Director General of Ports and Shipping allowed opening of numerous private Marine Academies thus undermining the Bangladesh Marine Academy. The Academy has a long history and we all should have looked into it’s success rather than letting dozens of private academies who are milking money and producing less than desired graduates. For sailing, an officer need to pass licenses and not graduate out of a college. Maritime studies are already a part of the curriculum in Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology (BUET). Maritime business curriculum could have been introduced in Dhaka University if the Prime Minister felt we needed business education in Maritime studies. The PM herself having limited knowledge of Maritime Business went along with this new venture as it bore her father’s name. She does not care who pays for it. Obviously, the Bangladeshi tax payers will pay for the expenses. Instead of promoting the historical Marine Academy, the PM chose to invent a Maritime University at the cost of the Bangladeshi tax payers. It is illogical and everyone should oppose it even though the law has been adopted in the AL parliament.

  2. Khairul Anam (9th) says:

    Dear All

    You may find an article published in the Daily Star, Dhaka on 13 August 2014
    an interesting reading and may wish to click on the link given below to
    browse through it. This appears to contain a very biased personal opinion of
    someone who is perhaps associated with and has an interest in such a

    In my opinion at the moment there is no need or demand for establishing a
    separate maritime university in Bangladesh for higher studies on maritime
    security, strategy or other maritime matters mentioned in the article –
    these could be taught at this stage by forming new departments in just one
    or two of the existing established & reputable universities of the country.

    Perhaps we could introduce graduation programmes in some of the maritime
    subjects that are relevant to country’s need at Dhaka University initially,
    expanding gradually to other universities depending on their demand and
    fitness for purpose. I do not believe we currently have adequate academic
    resources and expertise in the country for delivering very specialised
    higher education on maritime subjects.

    The country has other priorities and I think at the moment we need to
    establish more centres for the education, training and development of our
    ratings so that they are given the required marketable skills for competing
    with other seafarers globally (particularly from the Philippines), where
    there is an acute shortage and ever increasing demand for skilled seafarers.

    Food for thought.

    Best regards
    Khairul Anam (9th)

    • Selim Ullah says:

      Hello All:

      Agreed with Capt Khairul Islam Sir a 100%, where the industry does not require the need of a Maritime University Grad, what is the goal of an individual, unless they are is seeking continued higher education to move on. Same goes for aviation Industry professionals (Pilots, Flight Engineers etc.), they are in the similar situation.

      Although US & Canada ( e.g. Canadian Coast Guard College Nova Scotia) has taken lead on Maritime Education, meaning providing cadets two different streams of education in one package such as – a University Graduation ( Cape Berton University Degree – Nautical Science ) and to be able to be wirte a COC cert under Transport Canada Marine Safety. Persons who like to continue study can go now for Grad school at Memorial University NF.

      In my opinion what I see, this proceduure is well accepted here in the industry (Canadian) and worked well.


      Sarnia ON

  3. Ghulam Suhrawardi says:


    I am glad you picked up this articles. It reminds me, when Ayub Khan was the
    President/military dictator of Pakistan, we had so many people writing so
    many stories honoring that man.
    That is what I see happening today. Some people take it as national pride
    but the hidden language is that, this type of people worshipping is a
    national disgrace.

    Suhrawardi (6th batch)

    • Neaz Hyder says:

      Suhrawardi bhai,

      The last paragraph of Khairul bhai’s email says it all. I mean what should be the priority at this time, developing seafaring education and shore based marine technical qualifications or post-graduate qualifications in Bangladesh?

      Bangladesh is not suffering from short supply of post-graduates in maritime field. it is important we concentrate in providing rating and sea-going officers training and qualification which will be acceptable world wide. The quality of spoken English of seafarers also needs improvement.

      I am not saying that we should not have post-graduate qualifications in Bangladesh in the field of maritime studies, we need to prioritise what is needed now and progress accordingly.
      I hope you will agree what I am trying to say.



      • Neaz Hyder says:

        Suhwardi bhai,

        I absolutely agree with your views. The problem is how can we help or put pressure to stop uncontrolled growth which is destroying maritime quality education in Bangladesh.

        BUET and Dhaka University is capable to offer higher education in the field of maritime studies. Why do we need a separate Maritime Uni , I do not understand.
        There is no development plan in line with the need of the country and international market.

        We have failed to take right measures to stop overloading inland water transport vessels. Every year so many lives are lost because of failure on the part of the government agencies and ship operators.

        You have been very keen and supportive to see maritime sector develops and achieves quality and international standards recognised world wide.

        The problem to resolve these issues remain in the hand of BD government. We from outside can only assist if requested. Pouring dollars is not the solution. Implementation of regulation is the biggest challenge

        Best Regards

        10th batch

  4. K M Asaduzzaman says:

    Agreed on the comment of Khalid Masud. The next deibouring country is having more seafarer and much more achievement in this sector- all the business all over the world is heading there; and how many of the University in this sector they have. Need to arrange job for the present seafarer, rather than establishing a burden for the people of Bangladesh.

  5. Ghulam Suhrawardi says:


    We are doing things haphazardly. Everyone wants to leave a landmark at the cost of the nation. They do not realize where the money will be coming from.
    BUET has a marine engineering and naval architecture program. Similarly Dhaka University could pick up business studies part of the maritime studies.
    While we destroy a prized academy for some people’s fallacies or dreams, it does not makes sense. Bangladesh Marine Academy should be our primary focus.
    We should not have allowed all these private academies grow like mushroom. We got set our priorities right. I hope you will agree.,

    Suhrawardi (6th)

  6. Salahuddin Ayubi says:

    I am sure that this clown named Azad who wrote this article, do not have any clue on the subject… He does not understand that function of Navy and Merchant Navy are not same. In the Merchant Navy we transport dry and wet cargo from one place to the other for the benefit os the international trade and commerce , While the navy”s main function is to keep the sea lanes clear of enemies during the time of war and free of pirates in peace time. Since the functions re different their training, outlook, mental make u , mind set p are different. In the merchant marine the efficiency and economy is of paramount importance while in Navy it is the discipline that is important. So handing over of the marine academy space to accommodate the so called maritime university is nothing but a ploy to appease the Navy, who otherwise do not have any link with either Navy or Merchant Navy. The objective he mentions in his article will be achieved are not realistic nor beneficial to the merchant marine of the country or the nation as a whole. . only purpose it appears will serve is to put the function of Merchant navy to the hands of Navy , who are ill prepared to handle those functions. To improve the performance of our Merchant marine, is for us to have advanced knowledge of ship broking and ship chartering, marine insurance, Marine law and such other subjects . . Oceanography and locating sea resources and harnessing those are out side the perview of the usual activities of Merchant Navy.. As far as I understand that there is no need what soever for a maritime university in Bangladesh now or in near future. It is mere wastage of money.

    What could and should have been done is to traiin ratings and officers acquire marketable skills so that they could find employment in foreign Ships. At present there are about sixty thousand ocean going ships engaged in international trading. All together there is a requirement of about two million seamen employed on board at any one time and about seventy to seventy five percent of that figure remains ashore on leave at any time . There fore there are employment opportunity for nearly four million officers and ratings. Besides the sixty thousand ocean going vessels there are another Twenty five thousand fishing vessels are engaged in catching fishes all over the world. and this sector employs more than a million people on board at any one time.

    The new generation of the developed world are no longer willing to undergo the stressful and hard work at sea instead they are opting for more comfortable jobs ashore which are available in those countries.. So for the requirement of manpower they heavily depend on countries like Malaysia Indonisia, Myanmar and Bangladesh.. But we are not preparing our manpower for jobs at sea, our man power to be fit to meet the requirements of the owners of those countries, so we have only about ten thousand seaman employed now. With proper training and certification this could easily be increased to one hundred thousand. The Philippine has taken a very pragmatic policy for training, certification and employment of their sea man and now they the leading supplier of seaaman all over teh world.. With correct planning and execution we can easily increase the employment of Bangladeshi seaman manifolds. If we are running short of ideas then we could follow the Philippines instead of staring a maritime university which looks more like a naval university.

  7. Abdus Salam says:

    Thanks to Suhrawardi sir, Khairul Anam sir and Neaz sir. This is called ego. This university will produce nothing but useless post-graduate, so called highly qualified marine personnel of no use. We need practical approach but whom I’m advicing to, nobody will listen to us. I happened to meet Minister Shahjahan Khan MP back in 2010 and had a chat with him about marine industry for few minutes and I was surprised to hear that they are goind to establish 6 more marine academy all over Bangladesh!!! They have no clue from where the money will come and the quality of products. And our own academy cadets are also behind it for personal benefits.


    Abdus Salam (21st)

  8. salahuddin Ayubi says:

    In my view this maritime university is not for the development of merchant marine in the country , it is a sort of sop to the Navy. In fact it is a naval university rather ran a maritime university. Our Alma mater has in fact has been handed over to the control of the Navy. The administration has no intention of helping the development of merchant marine in the country.

    Salahuddin Amad Batch 01 Engineering.)

  9. Khairul Anam says:

    Dear All

    Please see email appended below from our veteran mariner Zahedur Rahman sir ex Chief LR surveyor in BD and ex TD of BSC, being forwarded with his consent. He was the first Engineer Superintendent of BSC when it was just born on 5 February 1972 with no fleet of its own. He has kindly consented to join our global group and I have requested Baten to kindly add him.

    I am also trying to add other pioneers contributing to the birth of shipping in Bangladesh and moving it forward like Capt QABM Rahman, Capt Shafi, Capt Sufi Islam, Mr Tareck Anis Ahamed, Mr NW Khandakar, Mr Khan Majlis, Mr Aynul Hoque sirs and other very senior members to the group.

    I will inform Baten when I receive their consents but I do not have the email addresses of M/s Tareck Anis, Khandakar and Aynul Hoques sirs. If anyone has, please let me have those or send a direct invitation to them. Are we missing out any more of our veterans?

    Best regards
    Khairul Anam

    Sent from my iPad

    Begin forwarded message:
    From: Zahedur Rahman
    Date: 16 August 2014 16:12:10 BST
    To: “[email protected]
    Cc: ….
    Subject: Re: Maritime University – Bangladesh
    Agree with Capt. Khairul Anam 100% . Fixing priority has always been the problem with the entire South Asian region and that is perhaps one of the main causes of our lagging so much behind the modern world to day, which in the past, according to Adam Smith(father of economics) used to be the model of prosperity & progress ; “Adam Smith thought that India (or in other words the Sub-continent) in general ,particularly Bengal,was one of the most prosperous regions of the globe,and he devoted some time in; THE WEALTH Of NATIONS-1776 to explaining the roots of India’s comparative prosperity………” ( a quotation from the book ;An Uncertain Glory by Amartya Sen & Jean Dereze,the two most eminent economic-philosophers) .

    No wonder Narendra Modi,the most controversial Indian PM in his very recent independence day address to the nation from Red-Fort declared his wish to scrap the Planning Commission which so long since 1947 was the key-organ of that “biggest- democracy” !. Perhaps rest of the SAARC nations should also follow suit even if we may not agree with many of his ideals !

    This also may remind us the validity of an oft-quoted although a bit vulgar saying among common Opar-Bangla ; “——- nai —– vojorey Gobinda” ,as appropriate & also relevant to the context !!! .

    May I also beg to be excused for my concluding paragraph on the subject which may not be acceptable to many of our sophisticated members of the community !

    Best wishes & good luck to all .—– Z. Rahman (2nd UK batch Merchant Navy Cadet -1952)

    On Sat, Aug 16, 2014 at 4:25 PM, Mohammad Shafi wrote:
    Happy reading



  10. salahuddin ahmad says:

    i do not think we need to lose our sleep on this. AS there is no requirement of such an university in this country. UK , the greatest maritime power of last century did not feel the need of having such an university , there is no scope for such an university in Bangladesh. Since this is an exercise in futility , I can foresee that it will fall off automatically, No amount of life saving drugs can save this sick child of the government.. It will soon die a natural death. The least we can however do is file a case against establishment of this useless university with public money. That will be more of public relation stunt..

    Slahuddin Ahmad 1st batch

    • The tuition fee of the very University is to kill the general people of Bangladesh. It is nothing but a rich men’s hotel.

  11. Dear Khairul Anam sir and others

    The damaged has be been done. It is very unlikely and almost impossible in my opinion that we can stop the process of establishing The maritime university . The amendments to the act for the key positions may be possible by continuous efforts from BD maritime community which has been initiated this month by the NI, IMarEST, BMMOA when a seminar organized by the University administration conducted . Capt ZILLUR sir has taken the floor and clearly mentioned the stance and feeling of the maritime community . I have missed the opportunity as I am visiting USA at the moment.

    Kind regards
    Sarwar (19th)

    • Shafiq Bhuiyan says:

      Dear Sawar,

      Thanks for mentioning our efforts at the Maritime University Seminar. Please also note that I attended the seminar leaving my terminally ill mother at home in Chittagong only to address the seminar and meet the Minister of education regarding this university issue. Unfortunately my mother expired upon my return to Chittagong the next day. Capt. Zillur and I talked to the Minister after the seminar and expressed our dissatisfaction at the way this university came to be established. The Minister Mr.Nurul Islam Nahid promised to consider our objections and asked us to put up our views in writing. I am not sure how useful it will be but we intend to do it ASAP. This could be the next best thing to a lengthy legal action This is going to be a joint proposal from all the stake holders in maritime affairs in Bangladesh. We also intend to include the suggestions from the expatriate Bangladeshi experts in our letter. This is where the unity of the marine community is of paramount importance.

      I hope the maritime community will stand behind us in our efforts.

      Capt Shafiq Bhuiyan ( 8th )

      • G. Sarwar says:

        Dear Capt Shafiq Bhuiyan sir

        I did not know about your presence in the seminar. Good to hear that you too attended including Bashir (LR surveyor) from IMarEST.

        I pray for your mother. I missed the Janaja.

        Kind regards
        Sarwar (19th)

        • salahuddin ahmad says:

          My thanks to Shafiq for attending the seminar and talking to the ministers. I feel that a letter should be sent to the education minister giving the detailed reasons as to why such university is not required in this country , particularly when the greatest sea power of last century Great Britain did not feel the necessity of having such university., besides it will not serve any useful purpose. We will have educated unemployeds in disciplines that have hardly any need in the country. If such qualifications are at all required then the exiting universities can have faculties under the name of Maritime studies faculty,. as these are purely academic subjects. The facilities that exists in the Marine Academy is for training of pre sea cadets taring to be officers in the merchant marine, where besides studies there are other skills pertaining to ship operation are to be acquired , so that he is prepared for a career at sea.

          Money will be better spent if we can prepare our seaman with marketable quantities and meeting the standards laid down in STCW convention. there are nearly sixty thousand ocean going vessels in the world . Though most ships are owned by the developed countries of the west but they employ rating s from developing Asian countries and the Philippines leading them all. If we follow the Philippines model we could easily get a slice of that market say about one hundred thousand seaman could easily find employment in this sector alone. There are about twenty five thousand ocean going fishing vessels catching fishes, they also require manpower to man those vessels. Once we have been able to organize or seaman business we can concentrate on supply of fisherman to those fishing vessels. These actions will be much more profiterole and gainful for the country than the maritime university.

          salahuddin ahmad

  12. Khairul Anam says:

    Dear All

    Zillur (11th) phoned from Bangladesh on Sunday 17 August and appraised me of the outcome of discussion that he and Capt Shafiq Bhuiyan had with the Minister of Education after the maritime seminar held recently. Minister asked them to give him a brief on what were not done correctly and what needed to be done now. I would suggest that not only a brief, we should give him a full report with an executive summary, the background, issues, conclusion and our recommendations taking into account the views expressed recently by our very senior pioneer mariners like M/s Shafi, Zahedur Rahman and Salahuddin sirs, Shafiq Bhai, Neaz Hyder and many other distinguished mariners.

    I do not think the planners & designers of the dream maritime university are going to back down at this stage from their super ambitious project – it’s well and good if they do, which would be for the greater maritime and economic interests of the country. But if they don’t, we have to try to convince the minister that at least the recruitment of the fittest persons to the key posts at the proposed university should be through fair and open competition – these must not be reserved for a selected & privileged quarter only.

    It would be the best if we could make him understand that Bangladesh does not need a separate maritime university now and perhaps will never need one. We have other top maritime priorities at the moment for our very survival in the global commercial shipping world.

    Eligible persons for the key posts at the maritime university, if it unfortunately goes ahead, could be mariners/naval architects with the highest professional qualifications plus a relevant degree/MBA/PhD (no on line/web PhD please!) etc and vast industry experience, preferably academic. A Vice Chancellor with credible and sound maritime academic background would be an advantage but is not necessary – the post should be filled up by the fittest person for the job. I am sure there are more knowledgable and experienced mariners than me among the BD mariners globally to propose the fitness criteria on the selection of key personnels and I would invite them to come forward with their valued opinions.

    Food for thought.

    Best regards

    Khairul Anam

  13. Salahuddin Ahmad says:

    Dear All,

    It is a ploy to avade the probleem. If your representation is too long it wwill not be read by any one. Sso I suggestwe first find the coy of the ordinance. alsso the curriculm of the few oother marieime universities that exists in the world besides the subjects taught there. . You just have to show that these subjeccts taught in those maritime universities has no relevence in the contest of Bangladesh. All that wee need improve the skills of Bangladesh marinerers so that they can get employmeent on board foreign countries besides they get job in the shore eestablishment of vaarioes other countries. Sea no longer attracts thebrighter boys of developped countriesbut it is differnt in Bangladesh. So by developing our skills in this field we can be the leader in this field.

    The letter should be very brieff and to thee pointmentioing and highlighting that such university is just a waste of time and money. this will surely not be accepted at this stage. We should colloect all the documents required for filing a writ petition in the high court against this , as it will have a national impact.

    Salahuddin Ahmad

  14. Mohammad Shafi says:

    It will be better if the “University” is moved away from the Marine Academy premises. This will save the Academy. As you suggested the Vice-Chancellor may be an Academician with vast knowledge in any of the marine subjects like, Oceanography, Shipbuilding, Naval Architecture, an Extra Master/Extra First Class (Marine) Engineer with experience in teaching may fit in, etc. I do not exclude Naval personnel if he has the right educational background.

    Capt. Shafi

  15. Respected Dear Sirs,

    Salam and Good day,

    I have small suggestion:

    The Marine Academy can start Honours & Masters course with the affiliation of other Universities (National or International) with limited number of students and Subjects. This will open up opportunities for Mariners keen to acquire higher education and at the same time will build up enough proffessionals among ourselves suitably educated for various branches of Higher Maritime education. Though it is late, I believe still worth trying. Closing doors will not solve the issue. A pioneer institution like Marine Academy deserves to be a center of excellence and Maritime know- how.

    Kind Rgds

  16. Salam to all,
    I am agree with Jalal


  17. Shafiq Bhuiyan says:

    Dear Anam,

    I just returned from Dhaka after attending the 1st meeting of the Syndicate of the Maritime University and I feel that I should apprise you all of the developments in this regard. Though I had circulated the invitation to the Executive Committees of NICB and the NIDB for their comments in advance, there was no official suggestions except a last minute comment from the NIDB to stay away from the affairs of this University. My point is that if the NIB and the IMarST stays away from the proceedings of the Senate and Syndicate meetings of the Maritime University, we would not know how to protect the best interests of our community.

    I can inform you now that the campus of the Maritime University shall not be within the Marine Academy premises and mariners with requisite academic qualifications and teaching experience may join the faculties of the University. In fact the Vice Chancellor has requested me to help him source appropriate mariners from home and abroad to join the various faculties of this University or as consultants . I am 100 % with you in this matter .

    Regarding the suggestions to be made to the Education Minister I agree with Salahuddin Bhai (01) . We should make precise and workable suggestions to the Education Minister signed by the Maritime Forum so that he might be sufficiently convinced to bring an amendment to the Maritime University act 2013 to open the door to competent persons for recruitment to the top management of this University,instead of restricting these to members of Bangladesh Navy . The Minister had personally told Zillur and me that the Act is not the Bible that can not be amended for national interest. All we have to do is to show logic and strength behind our suggestions to reach our goal. Staying away from the affairs of this University will only deprive the marine community from contributing to the national development.

    I agree with the others that this University will have no contributions to providing seafaring jobs for Bangladeshi
    citizens but more of our seafaring colleagues could be employed ashore with higher academic qualifications from this University. I have already suggested to the Syndicate not to start faculties offering professional subjects which should be left to the Marine Academy.

    This is my feedback only and the NIB shall welcome suggestions from concerned mariners on this matter so that we might act before it is too late.

    Kind regards.

    Capt Shafiq Bhuiyan ( 08)
    Nautical Institute Bangladesh.
    Sent from my BlackBerry® PlayBook™

  18. khairul anam says:

    Dear Safiq Bhai

    Thank you for the update. I think it’s a good start and everything appears to be positive – let us be forward looking. In my opinion NIBD, IMarEST and BMNOA cannot shrug away their responsibilities by giving sloppy shoulders to the affairs of the Maritime University (MU) rather they should be fully and actively involved in protecting the interest of Bangladeshi Mariners. It’s a good starter that campus of the MU will not be at the premises of Marine Academy at Juldia. I would stay away from filing a vexatious litigation as this may be considered an abuse of the judicial process in Bangladesh and may prove to be very expensive in the long run with no visible results.

    If there is now no way of getting the MU stopped from moving ahead, let’s get the amendments to the Act implemented ASAP so that the key management positions are not reserved for an elite quarter only. You and your committee are empowered to take whatever decision is necessary for protecting the interests of Bangladeshi seafarers and its maritime professionals, so it’s up to you and your committee whether you wish to prepare the submission as a one-page brief or a full report.

    The advantage of having a full report is that, the executive summary at the front of the report serves as the brief and if anyone wants to know about the full background or what needs to be done, you have the full report readily available in hand to serve this purpose with no need to move back and forth with the information. No one can then delay the matter unreasonably by asking for further information – you know the delaying tactics that we adopt in our culture by asking for clarifications, forming committees/sub-committees etc and our bureaucrats are notorious for this!

    Thank you for taking the initiative and spending your own valuable time for a noble cause in the greater interest of our community – God bless you.

    Kind regards


  19. neaz hyder says:

    Shafiq bhai,

    It appears that there is scope to make necessary amendments to the Maritime University Act.

    The Minister needs briefing about the maritime needs in Bangladesh and global demand of marine personnel. Personally I am not too keen to support Maritime University in Bangladesh when the marine qualification from BD is not recognised in many countries. Again please don’t get me wrong, We will need a maritime University when there is a need for such qualifications. As suggested by many of us BUET and Dhaka University can provide such education if needed.
    Your and Zillur’s involvement is working like an eye opener for the senior government officials.

    There are probashi Bangladeshis who are highly qualified and experienced and would be willing to help if needed.

    If Maritime University project goes ahead, the Act needs amendment to allow suitable persons to hold the post of the VC and not limited to Naval personnel only.
    More dialogues needed with government officials.
    Lots of thanks to you and Zillur for active participation and educating the government officials.


    10th batch
    Sent from Windows Mail

  20. Dear Khairul Sir,

    Thanks a lot for your well thought and realistic proposal with pragmatism

    Thanks and Best regards

    Zahir (26)

  21. Salahuddin Ahmad says:

    I agree with Mr. Shafi that most workable proposition would be to keep the maritime university outside Juldia Marine Academy premises. After that what they want to do in the University will not be our concenrn. Our Alma mater will be safe from Navy. That should be our approach. We must hold on to our prestigious organisation from outside involvement.

    Salahuddin Ahmad (01)

  22. Kahirul Anam says:

    Dear Shafiq Bhai and Zillur

    Agree with Neaz’s views – 100%. You have our mandate, so please go ahead and thank you both for your proactive roles – we do appreciate. I suggest taking IMarEST on board as well. We have difficult task ahead as it is not so easy to convince our politicians to change their mind sets.

    Good luck.

    Best regards

  23. Mohammad Shafi says:

    I understand that NID & others have collected materials from other such University. We should examine those & make a submission to authorities with the same.


  24. Shafiq Bhuiyan says:

    Dear all,

    Further to my report to the bdmariners group mail last night on the first meeting of the Syndicate of BSMRMU, I would like to add the following for the information to the members of our community.

    Only the post of the Vice Chancellor of the BSMRMU has been kept reserved for any Rear Admiral of Bangladesh Navy. In my opinion this is unfair and irrational, as any Rear Admiral may not have the academic qualification to deserve this post. Therefore, this post should be kept open for any academically qualified person as in the case of other public university. It Should be possible for a naval or Merchant Marine Officer to acquire the necessary qualification to deserve this post. It seems to me that this provision in the Maritime University Act of 2013 needs to be amended in consultation with the University Grants Commission.

    Just because the post of the VC is reserved at present for a Naval officer, we should not say that we do not need a Maritime University for higher studies in the maritime sector to cater to the new national requirements as as a result of the newly found area in the Bay of Bengal . Our mariners can also take higher academic degrees from this university and qualified mariners may join the faculties for teaching relevant subjects. I would like to invite all our experts at home and abroad to guide us and if possible, join the Maritime University as faculty or consultants for which advertisements are expected soon.
    But at the same time, we should set our priorities right. The need for training high quality marine officers and ratings to take advantage of the marine job market worldwide should be our top priority but the government seems oblivious to this fact. I understand from the Commandant of the Marine Academy that his proposal to the government for upgrading the equipment to comply with the latest STCW requirements is taking unusually long time. As a result, the Marine Academy is failing to provide many ancillary courses as required by the mariners.

    On the other hand, see the pace at which the activities of the BSMRMU are advancing! This Shows where the priorities of the government lies. We can only convince the government of our priorities when we, the whole Maritime Community can unitedly place our demands to the government. This is where the solution to all our problems lies.
    I therefore suggest that the letter to the Ministry of education be written by the Maritime Forum for necessary amendments to the Maritime University Act of 2013 ASAP.
    Meanwhile, we should continue to provide professional help to the Department of Shipping in addressing the issue of quality control in the CoC examinations and monitoring the quality of training provided by the marine training institutions in the country. This would help our mariners and seamen in obtaining seafaring jobs abroad .
    Looking forward towards your suggestions and ideas regarding above matters.
    Kind regards.

    Capt Shafiq Bhuiyan ( 08)

  25. salahuddin ahmad says:

    I suggest that the draft letter be placed before the forum for comments before the final submission. Since the PM herself is interest in the University , it will not be possible to persuade the Minister or others concerned with this university to Amend the order.. A minor modification to locate the university in the Naval academy or other place might just be possible.

  26. Zahedur Rahman says:

    One thing must be clearly understood by all concerned that none of the major maritime nations ever thought of an exclusive maritime university over past centuries .Only World Maritime University established at Malmo,Norway by the International Maritime Organization in 1983 was to provide the centre of excellence for common interest of the world community in maritime studies/affairs . Like all member countries of UN,
    Bangladesh also benefited by providing higher studies in this field for quite a few selected persons for the purpose since its inception & this is how it is desired/intended by IMO to maintain/sustain the WMU(World Maritime University) for the interest UN members . To have new addition/duplication of a similar centre should naturally be the onus of UN body alone & for Bangladesh to take up this responsibility on its own is indeed not only uncalled for but also ridiculous ! .Even if it is decided to have a maritime university ,the age old pioneer Marine Academy ,Juldia should not under any circumstance ought to be affected/changed in any way .

    Have we really lost our basic sense of proportion to realise priorities before embarking on a project like the contemplated Maritime University when there are so many things need to be considered for advancement/reform to keep abreast with the maritime requirements of to day for Bangladesh to exist as a maritime nation ?

    Best wishes for all .—- Z. Rahman.

  27. Respected seniors and mariners brothers.

    I had been closely following various comments from respected Shafi sir, Jahedur Rahman sir, Salahuddin sir, my ex collegue Khairul Anam, my batch mate Sahafiqul Islam Bhuyan, Neaz and many other talented mariners. Our respected seniors had taken the challenging task in the past of steering maritme industry of Bangladesh in right direction just after liberation, when we had only few seniormost local mariners to hold the helm and their valuable advice/guidance on Bangladeshi Maritime Unvarsity gave me the courage to put forward my very personal opinion.

    Some of my fellow professionals may not agree with my views or contradict but without being prejudiced, as a mariners of Bangladeshi origin I would like to see my beloved ‘Marien Academy’ similar as I have seen in 69-71s. Off course there has got to be professional and infrastructure developments commensurate with the time and technological developments, but should be very less interference from other sectors without knowledge and practical experiences of merchant marine industry. I am not in favor of any univarsity or faculty of the univarsity in the same Marine Academy. In those days Juldia Marine Academy was an examplary institue in the region and number of foreign cadets from Asia used to be trained in this Academy. By the bold word similar I have meant mainly the discpline, of course some of the preferential systems of those days may not be fully aggreable by the newer generation after independence of Bangladesh.

    I fully agree with the views expressed that at this level of floating and shore based martime industry growth in Bangladesh, a separate Martime Univarsity will be only be a political show, a white elephant, will produce lots of unemployed paper based certified highly qualified shore based maritime personnels and in line with Salahuddin Sir’s view will suffer premature death after spending a huge amount of public money. Shipping Ministry should carry out a survey to find demand of high degree holding maritime personnels in the country per year before establishing a maritime univarsity. Demand and supply should match to avoid unemployment, which is tha case after establishing a number of Private marine academy.

    At this stage one of the univarsity can start with faculty for higher maritime studies on test basis. Curriculm and examination procedures need to be agreed/approved by IMO. So that the qualified personnels are absorbed in worldwide maritime industry, not only overburden Bangladesh with more highly qualified unemployed population.

    Going out of the context of discussion, at this stage government/our priority should be to enhance standard of existing maritime education (specially for private acdemies and seaman training). Demonstarte same to reputed large shipping companies and avail crediability worldwide, so that our vast pool of seman and cadets could easily get jobs in international shipping industrries. I have seen few large European shipping companies have established their training institutes in China to have economic crew for their fleet, meeting their company standards. From my personal findings, another big obstacle is visa problem for Bangladeshi officer and crew joining ship at oversease. It takes days/weeks to get visa causing to give priority for other nationalities, specillay when time is the deciding factor.

    The figure will be surprising, if we can prepare a database of nubers of recenly passed out ex Marien Academy and Private Acadmy cadets are sitting idle for months and desparetly looking for employmnt onboard to have sea time. If the situations are favorable, mariners (icluding crew) could prove one of the highest foreign currency earners for the country.

    Mokbul(8th batch Engg)/Singapore

  28. Abdul Mobin says:

    Dear Sir(s),

    Good day.
    We are closely working with NIBD, BMMOA and others on this issue and will continue our endeavor in Maritime needs.
    From IMarEST Engr.Obaid Bashir attended the Seminar and was with Zillur Sir and Shafiq Sir during the discussion with Education Minister Mr Nahid.
    Apart from above we have formed a Maritime Forum consists of following to make and raise our common demands for the betterment of our Mariners Society;

    Bangladesh Merchant Marine Officers Association (BMMOA) + Ship Manning Agents Association (BSMAA) + The Nautical Institute (NI) + The Institute of Marine Engineering, Science and Technology (IMarEST) + Association of Maritime Training Institutions of Bangladesh (AMTIB) + Alumni association of Bangladesh Marine Academy (AABMA)

    First meeting of that Forum was held on 16th August 2014 in Chiittagong and Zillur Sir was Elected as the coordinator/convener of the forum.

    Best Regards
    Mobin (22nd C)
    Hon.Sec. IMarEST(BD)

  29. I fully endorse the views expressed by Mokbul Bhai.

    Khairul Anam

  30. Dear Mobin

    Thank you for informing us of formation of the Maritime Forum. I think all the stakeholders including the JMAAA should be taken on board. Perhaps we could consider inviting the Seamen’s Associations in Bangladesh too as we we have been talking about improvement and recognition of education & training of Bangladeshi seafarers and their employment globally.

    Suhrawardy Bhai reading in CC may wish to note.

    Best regards
    Khairul Anam (9th)

  31. Neaz Hyder says:

    Mokbul bhai,

    I agree fully with your and Khairul bhai’s view.

    Hope Bangladesh high officials understand maritime matters at national and international level.

    I feel sad that the standard of Bangladesh Marine Academy is no longer maintained as it was. What standard and rating the Maritime University will have?
    I again say let us sort out basics first and then move on, no point establishing an University for the sake of having a Maritime Uni.

    10th batch

  32. Shafiq Bhuiyan says:

    Dear all,

    I fully endorse the views expressed by Capt. Khairul Anam regarding the need to take on board the Bangladesh Seafarers Union or Association and the JMAAA in the formation of the Maritime Forum as we are talking about improving the conditions of employment of our seafarers abroad. There is no point in churning out cadets and seamen from the training institutes unless they can be employed profitably. This will also go along with my view that we can only force the authorities to listen to us if we are united. Since we are striving for the welfare of all the stakeholders in the seafaring profession , I think it would be a very good idea to take the maximum number of stakeholders on board.
    Capt. Zillur Rahman Bhuiyan, reading this mail, may kindly contact Suhrawardi Bhai who is arriving Dhaka tomorrow. The president of the Seafarers Union may also be contacted.
    Kind regards

    Capt. Shafiq Bhuiyan

  33. Moazzem Hossaain says:

    Dear All//Respected Seniors and Juniors.

    The E mail as detailed below and his thoughts and reflection by one of the most Sr Member of our Marine
    community should be considered with respects and with due regards.

    GOB, Our beloved and Interested Marine professional and all related to Marine Community , I suggest to take heed from this mail alone and work together to acheive the common goal, Keep the Marine Academy intact and proceed forward very cauoiusly.

    Enhancement of Marine Professionals and related Fields/Industry to be considered as prioreity, rather than Maritime University
    in Bangladesh


  34. Dear all,

    I have a small suggestion to make.The purpose of a Maritime Academy and a Maritime Universty is completely different. With a maritime academy we prepare our boys for maritime service related jobs, which is very important for a country like Bangladesh. But at the same time a university is essential to create a small separate group of students who can take maritime studies and research further. Creating a separate separate quality university is extremely expensive,which Bangladesh cannot afford ( we have too many of them without any meaning at all). Advanced maritime studies can be made by extending existing facilities of BUET, where infrastructure is already there and the objective of a maritime university can easily be met.


    Saiful (15)
    Faculty, Marine Engineering
    NSCC Nautical Institute
    Port Hawkesbury
    Nova Scotia

  35. Salahuddin Ahmad says:

    Dear Saif,

    i agree with you fully but the country’s policy planners are not guided by reason , they are a bunch of chamahas whose job is to please whosoever is in the seat of power for personal benefit. This is the reason we can not make any head way in any direction. Since the PM has said that we should have a maritime university, we must have it, whether it is needed or not is immaterial.

    I do not think that we have either the power or the ability to stop this university from functioning. What we can do is to save our marine academy and work for the benefit of the merchant marine o the country. Any effort to put forward reason for not having the university will be an exercise in futility. We should do what we could do i.e. Save the marine academy and the merchant navy.

    Salahuddin Ahmad (01) E

  36. Shafiq Bhuiyan says:

    Dear Saiful,

    I agree with you absolutely and I did suggest accordingly but some members of the Syndicate who were also from BUET ; informed the meeting that they were not geared to provide these faculties. I think we have to sit with the Minister of Education with this proposal. Suggestions from our overseas mariners like you are always welcome.
    Kind regards

    Capt. Shafiq Bhuiyan ( 08)

  37. Khairul Anam says:

    Very good suggestions by both Moazzem and Saiful. These echo what most of us have said and support the saying, “Intelligent minds think alike”. Thank you for supporting a common noble cause.

    Khairul Anam

  38. Salahudddin Ahmad says:

    Can we find out, what are subjects that are going to be taught in the proposed university and what are the subjects taught in Chinese and Indian maritime universities before we jump into anything.
    Salahudddin Ahmad 901) e

  39. Hassan, Sarwar says:

    Dear All,

    I have been following this communication with great interest and must appreciate that probably the first time we have such an interactive forum where we can discuss the major issues which concern our future.

    I fully endorse the views of most of you, particularly Salahuddin Sir, Khairul Anam Sir, G Suhrawardi Sir, Shafiq Bhuiyan Sir, Neaz Bhai and many others which transpired in this forum in last few days. I would further like to add a few comments here relevant to both the issue of safe guarding our Marine Academy and the interests of our sea farers as a whole.

    This is probably true that we cannot stop establishing the Maritime University since it is politically motivated and coming from the very top. So rather than wasting our energy in this direction we should put forward our case strongly for keeping the Marine Academy a complete separate entity focusing on the Marine Cadet training only. As Salahuddin Sir mentioned earlier the Maritime University has to prove its sustainability for survival, otherwise it will cease on its own. Though the most appropriate action could be to annex a few maritime faculties in our existing leading universities such as DU, BUET, which also echoed in many of your messages below.

    Apart from Cadet training scheme we should really focus on Seamen training centres. Those who of you are directly involved in the industry, will for sure agree with me that how hungry the Maritime Sector is now for competent Seafarers. You are aware that the Philippines is taking the major share of it now. I feel sad when I see the Myanmar is also making significant progress leaving Bangladesh behind in securing seafarers employment in global shipping industry. I am sure we all have equal responsibility to bring some changes in this aspect. NIB and IMarEST in Bangladesh can take a leading role spearheading this campaign involving all of us abroad to contribute to this cause.

    As our Garments sector, Shipbuilding, Pharmaceutical, Leather industry already made their strong position in Global Economy, why can’t we achieve same in Shipping if we commit ourselves in this endeavour. I would also propose to create media campaign to attract the investors, primarily the private equity, local entrepreneurship and then major financial institutions in Dhaka Stock exchange or if possible even abroad to make them aware of huge potentials in investing Shipping human resources. I believe raising big finances can lead to establishing big infrastructures for Seamen training, advance workshop facilities to train high skill welders, fitters, electricians, electronic apprentices, people needed for offshore industries, and even saloon staff, cooks, nurses etc for cruise industry. As you will also know that there are huge investments flowing globally in the offshore industry. If we get ourselves geared up with human resources, being from a country of 160m people, to take a little slice of this industry, I am sure Bangladeshi / foreign investors can look up to millions of dollars in return in the foreseeable future.

    Finally I have to mention that another most important elements in the whole equation are our politicians, the bureaucrats and legislative support from the Government. We are aware that nothing can be achieved in the long run if we do not convince our politicians, who are the law makers to support our initiatives.
    However, I strongly believe that if we are united and make a sincere coordinated effort we will definitely achieve most of it, if not all.

    You may have some different opinion on certain issues but I hope the above points may provide us some food for thought to plan our way forward.

    Best regards,
    Sarwar Hassan
    (16th Eng)

  40. shameem Miah says:

    Dear all,

    With due respect to everyone, I feel we should think outside the box to create a better future for Bangladeshi marine professionals. We should not limit the marine profession only by the sea going engineers/ officers. And we surely don’t want to see the next generation struggling to built their career the same way we did. Why should someone spend his lifetime to operate and maintain the marine engines if he/ she has a caliber to design that engine. If we look at our neighbour country India, marine engineers from IIT are all over the world in various top positions. Everyone has a unique caliber and we should give them the opportunity by developing the infrastructure to explore. I wouldn’t be in my position if I didn’t decide to come to the University of Newcastle upon Tyne for higher study.

    Surely Bangladesh needs graduates in the area of marine engineering, Naval architecture, offshore engineering, marine transport and logistics in order to sustain and develop in the shipbuilding industry. It’s time to compete internationally and take our country to a leading position in marine industry. For that we all need to work together for our national interests.

    Best regards

    Shameem Miah CEng MIMechE
    Snr. Rotating Equipment Engineer

  41. Hi All
    I agree with the idea for Marine Academy to be a separate entity than the Maritime university for producing professional and competent seafarers. But I do believe that there should be a tight coupling between Marine Academy and the Marine university, so that the boys and girls from the Academy can easily pursue higher education from Maritime university with preferences. This will allow them to diversify their professional portfolio; as you all know that some times or other we make major professional changes! During that period Marine University can be the bridge for those changes for the future seafarers by providing them the opportunity for further education in marine technology or bridging marine technologies.

    I expect a big wave of technological and business shift to come with successful integration of the drone technology in the maritime field. If such technologies are successful in marine field then most of the freighter will be controlled by robotics within next 15 to 20 years.
    That will make a huge shift in future seafarers job description, they will be maintaining watch from shore and there will be rapid response team placed strategically in various global location to contain the unexpected. Now all this may sounds like science fictions but I know of companies who are those had been working on this for last 15 years.

    In my understanding to cope withe such dramatic changes for the next generation of seafarers Marine Academy should be an extension of the Maritime University. This administrative extension should not mean that both of them have to be on the same campus or Marine Academy to loose it’s autonomy over it’s choices of curriculum and goals. I hope keeping this in mind if we all can influence the right foundation and relationship of the Marine University it will serve the people of Bangladesh and our marine community the best.

    Best regards
    Tareq 23rd Batch

  42. Abu Hena Mamun says:

    Dear All,

    Assalamu Alaikum.

    With due respect to everyone and what has been expressed in various correspondence in the last few days on the subject matter, I would like to add a few comments. These are entirely my personal views and may not be in line with what others are thinking. However, I would still humbly ask that my comments not be taken in a negative light.

    • First of all, why we are thinking that establishing a Maritime University in Bangladesh is just a waste of money or that it is going to be an white elephant? I believe that the objectives of the World Maritime University and a national Maritime University are completely different. We know the background of establishing WMU by the IMO. The intake of WMU is 100 students per year all over the world. So. it is not possible for WMU to educate sufficient number of candidates that is required in a national level. IMO wants the graduates of WMU to contribute to their own national maritime sector for further development when they go back to their own country. IMO is not against establishment of a higher education maritime institute at a national level. On the contrary, they encourage the nations towards this. When IMO Secretary General visited Bangladesh last time, he highly praised the initiative taken by the government.

    • The proposed Maritime University is not the first one of its kind after the WMU. There are Maritime Universities in China, like the Dalian Maritime University (established 1909) and the Shanghai Maritime University (established 1959), and in Vietnam: the Vietnam Maritime University (established 1956). Even in the USA, there is the California Maritime Academy. Although named an “Academy”, it is actually a University as it awards both Undergraduate and Postgraduate degrees. I would request all of you to take some time to visit their websites.

    • Many of these universities are established under their Ministry of Transport or Communications. Although all these are specialized universities, they also offer education on various other subjects in Social Science, Business Management and Engineering & Technology. The proposed Maritime University in Bangladesh will hopefully be in the same track in the long run. However, the subjects taught in WMU are completely Maritime-related.

    • A few of us have proposed that Maritime subjects can be taught in universities like BUET or Dhaka University. May I ask that if these faculties are established in other universities, then how many mariners will be selected as lecturers or professors in these faculties? Do BUET graduates really think of Marine Academy cadets as their equivalent?? I can most assuredly say that they don’t. Then why can’t we consider establishing a Maritime University where the mariners of Bangladesh can get an opportunity to show their excellence?

    • Maritime and Shipping sector is a thrust sector for the future economic development of Bangladesh. A well established Maritime University can contribute a lot for this sector. Why do we think that this will just create some jobless graduates?!

    • Marine Academy cadets are not getting jobs- may I kindly ask what relationship this information has with the establishment of the Maritime University in Bangladesh? We must think of and find out the reasons behind Academy cadets not getting jobs. The visa issue is totally a political one, it is not only harming the mariners, but everyone of us those who are working abroad. Even the Muslim countries of the Middle East are obstructing Bangladeshis from getting visas easily, even though it is predominantly a Muslim majority nation. These issues are creating a negative image for Bangladeshis abroad. This problem is supposed to be taken care of by the government– an academy commandant can’t solve this problem.

    • We comment that the Academy standard has gone down – since when I wonder? There was a time when there was not a single mariner holding a permanent position in the Academy, many of these positions were occupied by the part time instructors from the maritime community and Navy. Today there are quite a few Mariners who are holding permanent positions in the Academy and they are trying hard to uphold the good name of the Academy despite lots of limitations. Should we say that these mariners are not capable of looking after the Marine Academy and that we should go back to the previous status and borrow commandants and instructors from outside!? This issue is laughable, and it brings me to my next point…

    • We are talking about placing an Academician as the VC for the proposed Maritime University, but not a veteran mariner. Do we feel SO incompetent that we have to look for an academician, and not a mariner!?

    • We are also talking about other issues which are more important than establishing a Maritime University, but we should specifically mention what those issues are and look into the fact whether it has got any relationship with the establishment of the university.

    • This is the first time I find a Prime Minister has shown direct interest in Maritime Sector. We must take the advantage of her interest instead of obstructing or dishonoring it. We may have a difference of opinion which is very obvious, but at the same time I would request everybody not to reject someone else’s thinking, ideas, and ambition outright.

    In the end, it is my request that we don’t blame or condemn any other profession in our mails. Whatever we are writing here is as public as writing on a daily newspaper. Everyone loves his own profession whether he is a mariner, bureaucrat or Naval person. If we utter something bad about some other profession, we are only emphasizing our own narrow-minded insecurity, not to mention, the person or people at the end of the jibe are not going to be pleased.

    I have no intention of disregarding anyone else’s opinion. I’ve just raised some of the things that came to my mind and apologize if I’ve hurt anyone unintentionally.

    Whatever it is, I support the initiative to amend the existing Maritime University Act on the point of appointment of the VC.

    Kind regards,

    Abu Hena Md. Mamun (15th)
    H/P: +65-8403-1808
    Email: [email protected]

  43. Sabbir Mahmood says:

    Dear All Mariners

    As there are many views come up during last few days regarding BSMRMU I have enclosed few documents which might be helpful to realize the situation. All deeds actually depend upon the intention, as the initial initiator’s intention of this high ambitious proposal was not correct so all the future actions become clumsy. Now we can not come back, we have to march forward otherwiseIt will effect our Alma matar as well as the maritime sector of our country.

    If you can see that, the opponent has taken over lead on all the marine institution of the country except marine academy, where as interestingly they have started taking the lead from this institution. So far my knowledge they have tried to regain the top position of the academy for last 4 years, but as they failed they have planned to control that via Maritime University. Presently we are affiliated with National University for our BSc Degree of the cadets, with them we dont have any relation except during final BMS ( bachelor of Maritime Science) exam and issuing BMS certificate but when the BSMRMU gazzete passed they have started roaring that affiliation means they will control of the Academy. Actually the Gazzete does not give authority to the university to control the academy, but if they would hold the top post of this academy I am sure they will use the Gazette to control the academy by making interpretation of the gazzette of their own.

    Some more documents I will attach in future inshaAllah hope that will be helpful for all.
    May Allah help us to regain the honour and dignity of our profession.

    Capt. Sabbir Mahmood( 27th Batch)
    Senior Nautical Instructor
    Bangladesh Marine Academy

  44. Quamrul Siraz says:

    Dear Sabbir,

    Thanks very much for your thoughtful views. I think the whole decision of setting up a Maritime University was done without any proper research or a business plan. Therefore, it’s more likely that once the University is set up, we will see it having shortage of skilled instructors, equipment and funding. Or many not sufficient prospective students meeting eligibility criteria for enrolling into the courses. I am not bring pessimistic here. I don’t want to bluntly remark as to whether we need or do not need such a University. That’s something that needs to be found out during the research stage, which has been totally omitted here. Though it doesn’t really surprise me. In Bangladesh we are used to be being led by people at the top without any technical skills of the departments they lead. In 1995 when the pilots in the Chittagong port called strike, our honourable shipping minister suggested to get pilots from Bangladesh Biman, as the Chittagong Airport was nearby.
    It’s very frustrating to see that some people in the Shipping and Education Ministries are trying out their ambitious plan of settling up a University without a proper feasibility study. The bottom line is: they are not personally paying for it. They are gambling with public funds. That’s totally unacceptable.

    Quamrul, 27th batch

  45. With due respect to all opinions and views –

    Following is an extract from Wikipedia on Maritime studies: “While maritime academies frequently prepare cadets for careers in the merchant marine, maritime studies programs prepare students for a variety of careers in the civilian maritime industrial and service sectors”.

    Our neighboring country India indeed has a Maritime University (IMU), probably started in 2008, with head quarter at Chennai and another 5 campuses countrywide. Offering studies in B.Tech. Marine Engineering, B.Sc. Nautical Science, B.Sc. Ship Building and Repair & Diploma in Nautical Science leading to B.Sc. Nautical Science.
    Perspective of our country is very different. Where do we stand or how much are we regognized as a Maritime nation in terms of contribution to world’s shipping gross tonnege, ship building/conversion/repair industries, offshore industries, oceanographic researches, contribution to world’s seafaring personnel proprortion or even Ports and Bunker operation in the region (except for as unsafe graveyard for discarded vessels).

    Foremost point is that how many highly qualified maritime professionals do we need at his stage of our maritime industry growth and how many employers are ready to employ them with right salary so that we need to have a dedicated maritime university right now, unless the plan is to establish an internationally recognized world class university, qualified students from where could be employed worldwide.

    Naval Arcitecture is a part of Martime Inustry and is being taught in BUET under the the faculty of Mechanical enginerring for more than 20 years by now (if I could recall correctly) without any problem.

    I am not against a Maritime Unversity in Bangladesh but feel that the time is premature. We are advancing although in slow space, let our maritime industry growth reach to the stage when requirements will demand for a dedicated maritime university in the country.

    Mokbul (8E)/Singapore

  46. Salahuddin says:

    Dear all,
    first thing first. We have to find out what subjects this university is going to teach or what skills it is going to impart to the students and how will it benefit the maritime industry of the country. Without knowing these basic information and information of the existing universities and how have those universities have helped those countries should act as guides for us. Unless we have studied those things , there is no point discussing about the maritime university. We should not be interested in the university if it does not benefit the merchant marine industry. Our priority is to keep marine academy out of any controversy.

    Salahuddin AYubi (1st Batch)

  47. Mamun Ahmed says:

    Dear Salam,

    Thanks for your comment. You have mentioned yourself that none of the universities in Bangladesh has any position in world ranking, even in Asian ranking. But, unfortunately we are proposing those universities (and probably putting our trust on them) to open new faculties on maritime sector and take the lead for higher education and research on maritime subjects. The proposed university is going to be a public university, and not a private one. If we really love our profession, our community can take the lead and make this university an example to others. The success of the university will not come overnight, it may take years. But, there should be a beginning, otherwise we cannot achieve the goal. So, I do not understand the logic why do we want to stop the establishment of this university?!

    I had the opportunity to study in WMU and in 30 years history of WMU haven’t seen a single Bangladeshi to become a member of the teaching staff in WMU. But there were representations from countries like India and China. We were lagging behind because we didn’t have a higher educational institution in Bangladesh on maritime sector.

    I know many Bangladeshi mariners are interested to pursue their higher studies after few years of sailing time. But, for that we have to go abroad, which is expensive and not possible for many of us.

    Truly speaking, Marine Academy can produce only some high skilled labours for the world shipping, but cannot produce academics or scholars in maritime sector.

    I don’t expect that everyone will agree with me. But, I believe Bangladesh will prosper and our economic condition will not remain poor forever. For 16/17 crore Bangladeshis we require many more universities to be established. If one of these universities is established as maritime university – then what is the harm!! Why do we want to stop it!!!

    Thanks and regards.

    Mamun (15th)

  48. Abdus Salam says:

    Respected Mamun sir,

    In BD every thing starts with a big bang and then overtime it collapse like pin holed balloon. I can guarantee you the fate of this university will be just like that.
    I love my profession and never given up yet. 16/17 crore Bangladeshi need more people like us who will earn foreign $$ to help boost up BD economy. Trust me we have enough of scholars in BD,no need of any more. The nation is in need of world class skilled labour who will be able to compete with other nations. It is very natural that some of us will choose higher education, so be it.There are some institutions already there to pursue his or her higher education, if not create some thing within those institutions.

    You said” in 30 years history of WMU haven’t seen a single Bangladeshi to become a member of the teaching staff in WMU” that means we are not good enough! Now for them we need to establish a university.
    Sir I’m sorry again.

    Abdus Salam(21st)

  49. I agree 100% with Saiful sir. Sorry Mamun sir can’t find any reason to agree with you. There are more than 100 universities with the business of selling certificates, can’t afford to have another one.This university will produce highly educated personnel with no real job in BD and also elsewhere. Please look at the ranking of asian universities(forget about world standard), our so called “Prachher Oxford” Dhaka university can’t even qualify to any ranking. Why do we need another one of it. Why can’t we do something for what we have now to bring up to atleast an asian standard. Why we like to go for the numbers than quality.BUET is more than enough to produce marine personnel to meet BD demand. I’m so sorry for my rants.

    Abdus Salam(21st)

  50. Dear Salam,

    Thanks for your comment. You have mentioned yourself that none of the universities in Bangladesh has any position in world ranking, even in Asian ranking. But, unfortunately we are proposing those universities (and probably putting our trust on them) to open new faculties on maritime sector and take the lead for higher education and research on maritime subjects. The proposed university is going to be a public university, and not a private one. If we really love our profession, our community can take the lead and make this university an example to others. The success of the university will not come overnight, it may take years. But, there should be a beginning, otherwise we cannot achieve the goal. So, I do not understand the logic why do we want to stop the establishment of this university?!

    I had the opportunity to study in WMU and in 30 years history of WMU haven’t seen a single Bangladeshi to become a member of the teaching staff in WMU. But there were representations from countries like India and China. We were lagging behind because we didn’t have a higher educational institution in Bangladesh on maritime sector.

    I know many Bangladeshi mariners are interested to pursue their higher studies after few years of sailing time. But, for that we have to go abroad, which is expensive and not possible for many of us.

    Truly speaking, Marine Academy can produce only some high skilled labours for the world shipping, but cannot produce academics or scholars in maritime sector.

    I don’t expect that everyone will agree with me. But, I believe Bangladesh will prosper and our economic condition will not remain poor forever. For 16/17 crore Bangladeshis we require many more universities to be established. If one of these universities is established as maritime university – then what is the harm!! Why do we want to stop it!!!

    Thanks and regards.

    Mamun (15th)

  51. I had a cursory look aat the website of Shanghai maritime university and Vietnam maritime university.

    shanghai Maritime University is a massive affair.. It has 2 post doctoral research programs, 17 doctoral research programs, 57 Masters programs and 45 bachelor program . They have over 20,000 students of which 17,000 undergraduate and 3,000 post graduate students. There are over 1000 teaching staff, of whom 141 professors and 46% of them have doctorate degrees.
    Besides they have nine following colleges and schools:-
    i Marine college
    ii) Navigational and communication
    iii) College of Transportation
    iv) College of logistics and and engineering.
    v0 College of foreign languages
    vi) College of Ocean sciences and engineerring
    iii) College of arts and science
    vii)Scientific research Academy.
    These graduates provide skilled manpower for the shipping companies, Port authorities and maritime administration of the country.
    This SMU provides comprehensive education to meet the manpower required for the maritime business . and shipping and shipbuilding industry
    Where as the Vietnam Maritime university has few fasic faculties with very limited scope.
    I do not think that the we can match the resource and the requirement of the Chinese and what we could possibly do is get our students trained in the faculties that we are weak in and train our would be teachers for our own maritime university, if at all it is required..
    I still believe that it is too rarly and premature to jump into a venture likee this..
    What we need to do is train the ratings of our country and impart them marketable skills so that they can compete with Philippines in the world wide job maarket and concentrate ourattention in the shipbuilding sector by providing skills and training our manpower so that they can help develop the ship building sector of the country.. Ship management is one field that we should aim at entering after we have been able to train sufficient number of our own seaman sufficciently.
    My late father used to quote a saying which I feel is pertinent here. He used to say ” Fools rush in, where angels fear to tread.”
    I would request every one to think hard and come with a practical and credible solution to the problems that we are facing.
    Salahuddin Ahmad (01) E

    On Mon, Aug 25, 2014 at 5:44 PM, Quamrul Siraz wrote:
    Dear Sabbir,
    Thanks very much for your thoughtful views. I think the whole decision of setting up a Maritime University was done without any proper research or a business plan. Therefore, it’s more likely that once the University is set up, we will see it having shortage of skilled instructors, equipment and funding. Or many not sufficient prospective students meeting eligibility criteria for enrolling into the courses. I am not bring pessimistic here. I don’t want to bluntly remark as to whether we need or do not need such a University. That’s something that needs to be found out during the research stage, which has been totally omitted here. Though it doesn’t really surprise me. In Bangladesh we are used to be being led by people at the top without any technical skills of the departments they lead. In 1995 when the pilots in the Chittagong port called strike, our honourable shipping minister suggested to get pilots from Bangladesh Biman, as the Chittagong Airport was nearby.
    It’s very frustrating to see that some people in the Shipping and Education Ministries are trying out their ambitious plan of settling up a University without a proper feasibility study. The bottom line is: they are not personally paying for it. They are gambling with public funds. That’s totally unacceptable.
    Quamrul, 27th batch

  52. Dear Sir,

    Many thanks for your suggestion. I’ve already read most of the mails written on the subject matter. I personally know pioneers like Engr. Zahedur Rahman sir and Engr. Salahuddin sir, I respect them from my heart and we learned lot of things from them. They might not remember me as I’m too junior to them, but they will remain in my memory forever. It is just a difference of opinion on the issue of Maritime University, whether we need it or not.

    Many of us are against it, but I consider it as an opportunity for the Bangladeshi mariners. Some of us think that this is not the right time, but who knows when is the right time? Only time will prove whether this decision is right or wrong. Which one should come first – the development of the maritime sector in the country or to create the right people for the development? But I think to get a result from the university it will take at least 10 to 12 years – 5 to 6 years for the first intake to come out of the university and another 5 to 6 years to let them work in the field. So it is better to start now in order to get a result after 10-12 years.

    Dear Salam, you don’t need to feel sorry for me, because when I wrote my pov I knew that I was swimming against the current. So, there will be lot of opposition to my views. There are lots of negative things happening in our country, with that I agree; but at the same time there are some good things too. We have the world’s largest NGO in Bangladesh ‘BRAC.’ Grameen Bank has established an example for the whole world – many countries including USA have established banks following the example of Grameen Bank. So, why should we feel negative for everything?

    We have enough scholars in BD – but I think we don’t need so-called scholars: we need experts. Do you have any idea how many experts from India and Sri Lanka are working in garments sector in our country? Garments–being the most prospective sector in Bangladesh–has to hire a good number of expertise from countries like India and Sri Lanka! How ridiculous. But this is so because we didn’t produce these experts on time. Regarding training of marine cadets – nobody has stopped that. Marine Academy has increased its capacity from 100 to 200, and now it is 300. So, more cadets are coming out every year to join the shipping sector – no one is going to stop them from earning foreign currency for the country.

    Anyway, probably this is my last mail on this subject matter. Because I know this is going to be a never ending dialogue.

    Before I end, one more thing to point out with respect to Khairul Anam sir’s mail that I understand a visiting professor is not considered as a faculty member. With due respect to Capt. Fazlur Rahman sir, how many times we shall site his example! He has achieved his position rather by his own effort than our system which did not groom him. We need many more Fazlur Rahmans and Zahedur Rahmans from our community. I had wished the proposed maritime university could contribute in that respect…

    Dear Sarwar, many thanks for your contribution in this dialogue.

    Dear Tareq, no need to vote for this – because nothing to win or lose here. The government has decided to establish a maritime university – so we should grab this opportunity for the betterment of mariners.

    Best regards.

    AHM Mamun (15th)

  53. Respected Salahuddin Sir.
    I agree with you . We need to get hold of world shipping market first by our well trained seaman and officers. This is the basic requirements now. We need to prioritise things and head for that.
    Maritime University should be think of not for now .
    Hope mariners can have more understanding on this issue.
    Sabur 17th

  54. Forkanul Quader says:

    Dear Shafiq

    AA wr wb.

    I regret coming in late on this as I was preoccupied with official things.

    Thank you. It is delightful to note that you and others are working together to take up the issues at Ministerial level. Our thanks to BDNI and other similar organisations. What we face is the challenge of change. Priorities need to be highlighted. To me the issue to University may lie somewhere at the bottom of the list.

    We need to raise the awareness of our lawmakers and public representatives – what are our priorities? Is there a compelling need to set up an University. Has there been a research or need analysis done? Has there been a cost -benefit analysis? To start with- BD Maritime Administration has a long river passage to cover before coming to open waters to gain International confidence . All must work together to make things happen. There must be a credible administrative process to issue certificates including ancillary before gaining wide acceptance (we nearly succeeded in 2004 regarding UK recognition but the then BD Admin has declined my proposal to visit & audit. We again met BD Admin in May’14 and made appropriate suggestion) We have to make those clear to the people at the helm that we have set priorities before we go head long. I agree with Zahid sir and others who raised such issues. Views of the likes of Capt Fazlur bhai, Zahid sir, Shafi sir, Salahuddin bhai, Zaman bhai, Suhrawardi, Zafrul, Dilwar, Khairul, Neaz, Baten and many of those who made good contribution – are to be taken into consideration. Most of all the thoughts of future generation must be heard and taken onboard as spoken by younger brothers such as Saiful (15), Mamun (15) and many others. Points raised need to be collated and be drafted into a submission.

    Most traditional maritime nations have discarded the idea of setting up such universities just for the sake of setting that up and putting up a sign. Maritime and shipping sector can be describes as a specialized sector. You will find that most overseas universities have faculties and one could be the maritime. Why is that? Maritime will not sustain on its own. It can be absorbed within other known faculty. We can not compare our socio-economic sid to that of China. With more than a billion people China has a shipping sect or/industry that has many aspects of educational and financial sides to absorb graduates.
    If University is inevitable then so be it . In that case we need to influence the lawmakers & others to chart the correct course ahead. It is not just the recruitment of correct faculty but also the facilities, lab. research facilities and beyond. It is far more daunting than one could imagine. But again anything is possible in BD.

    Above all we have to support BDNI and others to make appropriate representation. At the same time we need to refrain from being sidelined/ tracked and not get into any petty debacle about representation or different forums. You have indeed made a good start. We are sure that your self, Zillur and others will do your best to highlight the current situation and challenges that we face to raise our profile internationally.

    Warm regards.

    Forkanul Quader

  55. Dear All,


    I felt this is now the time to share my feeling on this issue. As Sarwar (19) said we are just mostly talking but telling nothing. May be the main reasin for this – most of us are away from BD for quite sometime.

    Due to my job nature – I am facing the reality everyday. It is so frustrating and unfortunate to see the present condition of mariners in Bangladesh. I am sure – if you read the below – as a mariner you will immediately stop talking about University and instead will feel otherwise!!!

    1.0 Marine Academy is producing cadets in the sum which is unrealistic / un calculated / unplanned . How many bunks in one dormitory – do you know? Do you know how early in the morning a cadet has to get-up due to long queue for the toilet? No jobs at all. Cadets are waiting and waiting and waiting!!! None is willing to take the responsibility but instead increasing the number of intakes!! Can any one provide the latest number of passed out cadets waiting for job and since when? For our company so far we could take about 30 each from two depts.

    2.0 BSC is asking cadets to join it’s ships without any salary and/or allowances!!! Can any one think about this? I just heard this from one cadet today. Hope I am wrong!!

    3.0 2nd largest private company is contracted to take cadets from private academy what I heard! Money can easily be taken from such cadets through such private academy! Hope I am wrong!!!

    4.0 3rd largest private company is asking BDT 500K from each cadet in exchange of providing job! Hope I am wrong!

    5.0 Largest manning agent has stopped taking academy cadets as they now take their own cadet from own institute. Was it necessary to permit such private schools?

    6.0 The entire pressure is now on the largest company in BD where we are still maintaining the cadet intakes as fair as possible. I do not know how long I can do so!

    7.0 We have not ratified ILO 107 and our crew cannot sign/off in shipping hubs like Singapore, M East, India, Europe, Australia, USA. Why then our seamen will be taken by foreign companies? Is it not more important then the university? In Singapore even we cannot send any crew ashore on medical ground! Just few weeks back – one of our ships crew got sick (mental case) at Singapore and the vessel was not allowed to sail for next two days leaving the crew ashore!

    8.0 In India – our crew has to be escorted until boarding the plane in emergency s/off case!

    9.0 Hundreds of certified officers (except CO, CE n 2E) are waiting for months without job.

    10.0 In Paris MOU PSC listing I BD flags are black listed even though hardly there is any ship calling Europe. Please equasis!

    Now you decide if you still want to talk about the University or to do something different for our coming generation!

    Kind regards
    Mehrul (20)

  56. FR CHOWDHURY says:

    I was only a Visiting Professor for a few years. It is a fact that there is no Bangladeshi in the teaching staff in WMU. But that is not a big issue. I have seen the quality there. There are good as well as not so good. Same is the case with WMU graduates. Not all of them are outstanding. In the context of Bangladesh it is the people with highest sea-going qualifications who have contributed more. Maritime university is not so essential at this stage. In any case we must not destroy the marine academy in the name of the university. Regards.


  57. Thank you Mehrul Bhai for writing the facts .

    We must think what should we need to do first and let the authorities to know about it.

    Though I believe it is not easy in Bangladesh.

    I ask myself why it was necessary to increase the academy intakes and why it was allowed private Marine academies while our academy cadets are jobless ?


    Sabur ( 17th )

    • Zahedur Rahman says:

      Yes ;”it is indeed the fools who rush in where angels fear to tread ” !

      Zahedur Rahman

  58. Dear All, Assalamu Alaikum,

    No matter whatever we can do or try to do, but it is really great to see that we have developed a very strong means to share our feelings & remain bonded together as a big family and this may be one of our great achievement & you should be proud as you are very much part of this.

    Every single brother is very important & shoulder’s huge responsibility for our Marine Community’s pride.

    We will always have respect for each other, we have to keep this bondage strong, the bondage that we all have created & achieved together with our friendship, our brotherly & cordial relations, and our hard work is going to stay forever. We all Mariners around the Globe will remain united forever.

    Stay connected & I’m very sure & confident that we can do many things collectively which we may not be able to do alone and there we need each other’s help & assistance, that is humanity which stands above all.

    Shafiq Sir (8th Batch) & Zillur Sir (11th Batch),
    We all are grateful that you have taken the lead for this toughest task & no one to blame the team whatever comes out as final from the Authority.

    No matter wherever we live; we all Global BD Mariners from Bangladesh, Canada, USA, UK, Middle East, Far East, Australia, Singapore & many more are stand-by behind you with our full support even our end result may or may not favor us.

    Great to see that you have formed “Maritime Forum” consist of our BMMOA (Bangladesh Merchant marine Officers Association), BSMAA (Ship Manning Agents Association, NIBD (The Nautical Institute Bangladesh), MarEST (The Institute of Marine Engineering, Science and Technology), AMTIB (Association of Maritime Training Institutions of Bangladesh), AABMA (Alumni Association of Bangladesh Marine Academy), JMAAA (Juldia Marine Academy Alumni Association), Seafarers Union, etc. to represent your team.

    We heard many views from all corners & now may we request your team to stitch them together & propose draft proposal which you intent to present to the relevant Ministry (Education and or Shipping).

    With Kind Regards
    Baten (18th Batch), Singapore

  59. Salahuddin Aahmad says:

    Dear All,

    Sabur got me right., I find that the Philippines is the best organised country so far as seaman’s training and employment of seaman in the world. we should try and find out more about them and try and emulate them. they have a maritime training establishment covering few hundred acres of land facilities to cover all aspects of training to prepare them for a career at sea.. It is possibly organised by Philippines seaman’s and merchant marine organisation. Similar facilities could be organised here by organizing a company by us. . We the merchant navy officers could be the shareholders of the company. This could be thought off but first find out how the Philippines have organised such an outfit.

    I checked the Maritime university of India, Chennai website and was surprised that it is purely an academic out fit possibly under the ministry of education there. It is nothing like the outfit they have in China or the USA. Even Netherlands have maritime university located in Malaysia. If at all we are saddled with a maritime university , I suggest that we should request Netherlands or other maritime country to establish one in this country similar to the one that exists in Malaysia.

    In these age of free flow of information it is so easy to get information , I would request our fellow members to get all the information about the developments in the merchant marine field and post same in this site for the information of all. . It is said ” To be fore warned isto be fore armed” . We must all know , what the future holds for us.

    Salahuddin Aahmad (01) E

    • Dear Meherul,

      Do you think if we drop the idea of establishing a maritime university than all the problems you have raised will be solved?!

      If “yes” – then I’m with you.

      Regards / Mamun (15)

  60. Munir Rashid says:

    Dear All Mariners

    I just want to Thank and congratulate Mehrul for bringing up such practical issues which should be an eye opener for all of us that what we should do first. To me it’s a no brainer. That’s All.

    Best Regards

    Munir Rashid ( 15)
    Hamilton, Ontario

  61. Salahuddin says:

    Ddear All,
    if we are going to be saddled with Maritime university then we have to know which current maritime university we are going to follow, for starting our own university, What are going to be subjects in which our knowledge is lacking and we are going to acquire skills on those subjects.
    if we are going to follow Vietnam or India then i suggest we forget about it but if want o follow Shanghai maritime university then I am all for it. But before that we should start sending our students to Shanghai for postgraduate and doctoral studies so that they one day are prepared to take the helm of affairs of our maritime university. Even to start thee university we need teachers competent to teach the required skills . For this we have to get our future teachers properly educated in reputed maritime institues. Otherwise it will be exercise in futility.
    I still do not know , what are the subjects going to be taught in our maritime university. will any one please enlighten me.
    Salahuddin Ahmad(01)E

    • Fazlur Rahman says:

      The Philippines facilities are developed on my guidelines. I do go there from time to time. Last I visited in March, 2014 (only 5 months back). The seafarers training and certification is looked after by MARINA (maritime industry authority). The employment and ILO matters are looked after by DOLE (department of labour and employment). It will not work in Bangladesh because in Philippines they have excellent cooperation and coordination. Even in my seminar all those departments were present including PRC (Professional Regulatory Commission) and department of Health (regarding issue of seafarers’ medical certificate). No fighting, no argument. They all listen and act accordingly.

      We have to find our own solution. An office we call shipping office though you cannot ship anything through that office. I have written so many articles about MLC and RPS but till this time no progress. Captain Zillur Bhuiya knows all about it. Regards.


  62. Salahuddin Ahmad says:

    Dear Meher,

    Stopping the university is not our purpose. University is not our cup of tea and is not of interest to us but if we have the right type of maritime University as they have in China , I am all for it but still I would like to like to see the marine Academy premises remain undisturbed. I suggest you go through the website of Shanghai maritime university and see for yourself what a maritime university should look like and also see the website of Maritime university of India, Chennai and see why we should not be interested in such an university.

    Salahuddin Ahmad (01) E

  63. Dear Shafiq sir,

    Saalam to you.

    I don’t think this is a matter to be looked after by the Marine Forum. It’s mostly related with cadet training facilities and new cadet employment. Bangladesh Merchant Marine Officers’ Association (BMMOA) is the right forum to take up this matter. After a long time we see some good faces have taken over the responsibility of BMMOA. BMMOA should immediately take up these matters with the Ministry of Shipping with copies to other relevant ministries, like Ministry of Overseas Employment, and departments including Dept of Shipping. If necessary we can send a copy to PM’s office also.

    A letter in BMMOA’s pad carries lot of value. In the letter we should ask for an immediate appointment with the Minister. We can propose below short term and long term solutions:

    1. Basic boarding facilities for the marine academy cadets should be addressed immediately and necessary funds to be allocated to overcome the existing problems.

    2. BSC is still having 6/7 vessels with sufficient lifeboat capacity. They should employ 8/9 cadets each vessel and at least pay them the basic salary for a cadet. This way cadets were trained in the mid-90’s when there was a surplus. BSC needs to do it for the greater national interest.

    3. All manning agencies having their own training academies have to appoint equal number of marine academy cadets and cadets passed out from their own academy. That is the ration will be 1:1, otherwise their licence should be suspended.

    4. Private ship owners those who are taking bribes for appointing the cadets should be seriously warned and taken into task. It would not be difficult to pinpoint the culprits.

    5. To create opportunities in foreign companies in the long run, 2 to 3 official groups to be set up taking 3 to 4 members from different offices, they will visit different prospective countries and meet officials to explore the possibilities of employment of cadets abroad. Each group should be given a target and a time limit, so that they don’t visit foreign countries for pleasure trip.

    6. Mariners serving abroad and holding good positions should be consulted for necessary assistance.

    7. Any other matter that we think relevant at the moment.

    I wd like to convey my thanks to Meherul for bringing up this matter on the table, although some of these issues are already known to many of us. But, for god-sake don’t mix up these matters with Maritime University issue. Then we are going to mess up everything and will gain nothing.

    Capt. Zillur sir, as you are at the helm now, all of us expect that you will take lead and spare your valuable time to at least lessen the sufferings of our newly passed out cadets.

    Thanks and best regards.

    AHM Mamun (15)

  64. Salahuddin says:

    Dear Fazl ,
    What ever you may say ,this is the best option open to us to promote our mariners and it is up to us to see it though . I would suggest that you prepare a paper as showing , what exactly are the Filipinos doing right and leading the world in seaman employment and the reason that we are unable to maintain employment of our existing seaman ( the impediments) Your suggestion as how to overcome these hurdles.
    You are in the best position to prepare such a paper and then we could move our government and try and see if we can make any headway. I understand that considerable restructuring of the existing system will be required but if we put our minds to it , then there will be success, Insha’Allah. Please give it a try and prepare a paper as outlined in above line. Then let us do our best.
    Best regards
    Salahudddin Ahmad,

  65. Dear Mamun,
    I fully agree with you regarding the need to address the Cadet employment issues immediately and the importance of the BMMOA in this regard but involving the stake holders like the Ship Manning Agents Association and the marine training institutions will add more weight to our actions . This is the reason for which we suggested the formation of the Marine Forum in the first joint EC meeting of the NIB, IMarST and the BMMOA after I took over as Chairman a couple of months ago.
    Regarding the standard of the Marine Training Institutions, we have already started a systematic audit of these organizations jointly with the IMarST and the Department of Shipping starting with the Marine Academy . Deficiencies and non – compliances with STCW requirements are being pointed out and I hope these institutions can not disregard our recommendations if they have to keep their licenses. We have instructions to our auditors to work without fear or favor and their performance has been excellent to start with. We shall welcome your suggestions in this regard.
    After the competition of the audits, we expect a major overhaul of the system if we can have our way. The government has the good sense of asking for our help and we are volunteering our services in the hope of enhancing the standard of our cadets so that they might easily find jobs abroad. We have to wait and see what comes out of this effort.
    I expect the concerned ministries to listen to us when all the stakeholders demand the same thing through the Marine Forum. We have entrusted Capt. Zillur Rahman Bhuiyan to coordinate the actions of the Marine Forum as he is suitably located in Dhaka and I have full confidence in his capabilities. We shall keep you updated with the developments and welcome your help in this regard.
    Kind regards.
    Shafiq ( 08)

  66. With due regards to all the opinins on this subject –

    At this moment Bangladesh has many pressing needs in Maritme sector to sort out e.g. unemployments of the seafaring personnel (which forms the largest part of our present Maritime community), their worldwide acceptance and fair treatment, ship builders being bank default due to cancellation of new building orders by foreign customers (not meeting delivery schedules) and so on.

    Some opinions suggest that stopping the University will not solve those problem is very true. But it is equally true that starting the University will though not alliviate but elevate the existing problems – specially unemployments, political activities and chaos.

    We know the various facts related to this University:-

    • Probably the idea of Maritime University conceived during visit by the Honourable Prime Minister to Marine Academy some times back. Idea came from the mentality that ‘if others can have then why we can’t’ but not from the demand of this sector.

    • BSMRMU Act came into effect from end October 2013. Foundation has been laid. Student intake was supposed to start from last year (according to education minister) but did not happen probably due to not being prepared yet. VC, Registrar & Treasurer are appointed from January 13 and spending of public money already commenced. It is now only the matter of time when it is going to start its operation.

    • Name of the university,its location and eligibility criteria for the post of VC has been spelled out.

    • The graduate & post-graduate level education and research on i) Safe Marine Movement Management & Administration ii) Ship Engineering & Technology iii) Oceanography and iv) International Maritime Law have been included under the curriculum of the university. At present Oceanography is taught at Dhaka University. News quotes referring to Chairman of this department that thousands of personnel will be required in this field as the maritime cases with Myanamar and India has been settled. Being ignorant in this subject, I withhold my comments.

    • An important aspect of the university is its power of affiliation of academies and institutes in the country. BSMRMU, as a central maritime university, will act as a sole body to affiliate all maritime academies and institutes all over Bangladesh for graduation purposes. It may make some of them constituent ones under statutes to be framed by the University from time to time. In this context, regulations for affiliation should apply. (The Daily Star dated 27th August 14 by retired Registerar of BSMRAU). Some news even went forward to say that Marine Academy will be a department of this University.

    Most of the university related statement and activities are from Ministry of Education, it seems Ministry of Shipping being kept or keeping aloof due to whatever reasons it is.

    Some of the stories may be vague or rumours but there are reasons to fear about the fate of Marine Academy whether it will be able to maintain its identity at the end. It is a good approach that our active marine communities are doing their best and hopefully outcome will be fruitful.

    Teachers & Student political activities should be barred from this univeristy, otherwise it is going to face the same fate as many of our prestigious public educational establishments are facing now.

    Mokbul (8th)/SGP

    Posted to Global BD Mariners forum

  67. Dear Shafiq sir,

    Many thanks for your prompt and kind response. If you consider that Maritime Forum is a better platform, then please go ahead with it, we’ve the full support. Good to hear about the preparatory works those you have already taken in hand in cooperation with the Dept. of Shipping and the Ministry.

    I must congratulate you and your team mates for the dynamic leadership you are providing and hope that there will be significant progress in due course of time, InshaAllah.

    Thanks and regards.

    AHM Mamun (15th)

  68. Dear Sir,

    Saalam to you.

    Many thanks for your mail. Our BD Mariners were not so much engaged in teaching profession in the past except the Marine Academy. We also didn’t have any other option in Bangladesh. I know few of our mariners have taken over jobs abroad in different maritime institutions and doing quite well. I hope if a Maritime University is established and if we can manage it in a nice way, then this will be an opportunity for the BD mariners to takeover jobs in higher Maritime Educational Institution.

    Definitely our aim should be to become a university like Shanghai Maritime University (SMU), But it will take time to go to that position. SMU is in existence for almost 50 years. Maritime University is not just the VC, there will be lot of faculty members, some of them will be from general academicians, but many of them can be from the mariners. It is not mandatory that one has to be a PhD holder to become a faculty member for an university. They can pursue the doctorate degree even after joining the university. Masters degree with sound educational and professional back ground is enough to become at least an Assistant or Associate Professor.

    You had been asking that what are the subjects to be taught. In my opinion, apart from nautical science and marine engineering, the university can began with subjects, like Maritime Economics, Maritime Law, Shipping Management, Port Management, and so on. Gradually they can open up more technological based subjects like Oceanography, Shipbuilding & Technology, etc. Because these subjects will require more budget and facilities for research and development.

    We can make this university more purpose oriented rather than general education. We always site the example of BUET, but truly speaking what extraordinary contribution BUET has got in Bangladesh! I do agree that some of the BUET graduates those who went abroad could make some exceptional performance in various fields, but within Bangladesh we rarely see any such achievement. But compare to that, Agricultural University of Mymensingh has made significant contribution in the field of Agriculture in Bangladesh which many of us are not aware of.

    All that I want to mean, the maritime university can be an opportunity for the mariners in Bangladesh. May be we are not going to enjoy the benefit out of it, but the future generations will, InshaAllah.

    Kind regards.

    AHM Mamun (15th)

  69. Dear Sirs

    To my understanding , our INITIAL CONCERN WAS WITH MARINE ACADEMY FOR ITS EXISTENCE when so called “Maritime University” agenda raised (with many controversy) & suspiciously proceeding fast !

    Don’t get me wrong …. I’m not against University. It is always great to have a Maritime University , but saying that … I’m dead against doing so at the cost of sacrificing our Academy.

    Call me pessimistic ……. But deep in my heart I’m afraid- there won’t be much left of our beloved Marine Academy – the Birth Place of BD Mariners .. if “University” fascination over shadows our realization that what an unique Institution Marine Academy is !

    Employment crisis of our young mariners or lack of Higher Education & research in Maritime sector – both are surely two very important issue, but I believe first thing first … we have to attend the immediate urgency (like we do at breakdown on board ship) first … which is to prevent our Academy from loosing its Identity.

    Definitely for Mariners – its NEVER a political issue, But as we know in Bangladesh things mostly controlled politically …. So, to save our Academy …. Can I, with respect, .. suggest an Strategy with Political Approach using following Groups .

    A) “SUPPort” Group : This will provide Support like –
    i) Re-uniting BD Mariners , locally & globally. -using Phone/Post/Internet etc
    ii) Communicate to Create other Groups – “Intl” Group & “Poll” Group
    iii) Raising Fund for the Project
    iv) Create support locally & Globally- in Newspapers / Radio / TV/ Talk show / seminars /Public Meeting / Leaflet /Poster Banner etc. (must not be Anti-government/ political)
    v) Arranging Legal Approaches (if needed) (in consultation with other Groups) etc
    B) “INTL” Group : BD Marine Intelligentsia who will –
    i) Prepare the paper-works with relevant History, Facts & Figs Experience
    ii) Prepare Petition in consultation with “Poll Group” (to be submitted to Government) / media release.
    iii) Responding with Fact Figs to Oppositions’ Ideas.

    C) “POLL” Group : They are the Key Factors here .Lets Re-unite our Honourable Senior Mariners who are politically active / influential. …irrespective of which party they from. They can help by –
    i) Approaching local MPs, Influential Figures, Officials.
    ii) Meeting with Prime Minister- try to make her aware of whats really happening behind, Importance of Our Academy- its contribution to Countries Economy, Prospect etc.

    —————————- my apology if my above thoughts cause any inconvenience / disappointment to any one.

    Kind Rgds

    Sajahan Manik (28th)

  70. AHM Mamun says:

    Dear BD Mariners,

    I thought that I’ll not write anything further in this regard. But, unfortunately, I understand it is necessary to remove a misconception or fear that exist in some our minds with regard to the future existence of Bangladesh Marine Academy (BMA).

    The BMA and the proposed Maritime University are two completely different entities under two different ministries – the Ministry of Shipping and the Ministry of Education respectively. The annual budgets allocated by the government are coming from two different sources as well. There is no agenda in the Maritime Universities curriculum to train cadets, which will be done by the Marine Academy in the years to come.

    There is a Board of Governors for the Marine Academy which mostly comprises officials from the Shipping and Maritime sector. The university will have a Syndicate like any other public university in Bangladesh.

    The only thing that can happen the affiliation for the graduation degree offered by the Academy will be taken over by the Maritime University, which is at present under the National University. That is not going to affect the status or the BMA. I believe, Shipping Ministry will never think of handing over the Academy to the university. So do the Dept. of Shipping. Because, that is going to lessen their stake. As such we don’t have to worry for the Academy.

    So, please don’t get afraid with the existence of Marine academy and don’t make people panicked without knowing the facts. And, with due respect, please don’t make things complicated – let it remain simple and workable.

    Kind regards.

    AHM Mamun

  71. Quamrul Siraz says:

    Dear all,

    I have a feeling the BSMRMU might start pre-sea courses in the future parallel to the Marine Academy. Even if the don’t, there might be mis-interpretation of their degree among foreign employers, so the BSMRMU graduates will get preference just because of the “Maritime University” logo on their certificate. The original Marine Academy graduates will be considered as second class citizens, similar to the old controversy / discrimination / issue of “Diploma Engineer Vs Graduate Engineer” that existed in Bangladesh for many years. Marine Academy students will be branded similar to polytechnic students (as compared to BUET).
    Kind regards
    Quamrul, 27th batch
    On 28 Aug 2014 10:15, “mokbular” wrote:
    The link below is for BSMRMU and will clarify many things
    Mokbul (8th)/SGP
    Posted to BD Mariner global forum

  72. Salahuddin says:

    Philipino crew were not always not like this.. There was serious discipline problem among them. Drunken behavior, knifing besides being arrogaant and querrelson. Desertion was a serious problem . They have over come all these problems by strict disciplinary actions by their administration. There is no reason why we can not overcome the problem that we are facing today. The old system of crewing as it existed in the colonial days are not valid any longer. we have to recruit new breed of recruit and train them properly and make them aware of he penalties they expect to face if they do not act as desired by the employers. No one owes them a job. and if they do not do their job properly they will not be considered for employment in future.
    As regards learning english or any other language require for getting employment will not be difficult to teach if we change our traditional style of teaching foreign language. Have you realised that a three year old child can converse fluently in him/her mother tongue. Of the three years they do not speak a word during their first 12 to 18 months of their life. In just about 18 to 14 months they acquire a vocabulary of about 300 word to carry on with their conversation. In matter of learning a language the most important thing is to train the ears to understand the sounds off the language. Having a vocabulary of three hundred works of any language is nothing difficult. All that we need to do is to apply the modern audio visual method of learning the language
    Besides learning the language we need younger and smarter boys to come to the profession who could be trained easily and can acquire the marketable skills and qualifications.
    I hope the current overseas employment minister will not be another QuarbanAli.
    I would request everyone to think hard and come with solutions they think will help develop and promote employment of our seafarers in the international shipping. For the time being let this be our main focus and we must concentrate fully in this sector.. Looking forward to your wholehearted cooperation in this noble venture for our common good.
    Salahuddin Ahmad (01) e

  73. BSMRMU Act Chapter 72 (Page 40) has something on merging Marine Academy under BSMRMU, even ownership of Marine Academy assets.

    Mokbul (8th)/SGP

    From: [email protected] [mailto:[email protected]] On Behalf Of Quamrul Siraz
    Sent: Thursday, August 28, 2014 5:39 PM
    To: [email protected]
    Subject: Re: [BDMariners] BSMRMU – website

    Dear all,
    I have a feeling the BSMRMU might start pre-sea courses in the future parallel to the Marine Academy. Even if the don’t, there might be mis-interpretation of their degree among foreign employers, so the BSMRMU graduates will get preference just because of the “Maritime University” logo on their certificate. The original Marine Academy graduates will be considered as second class citizens, similar to the old controversy / discrimination / issue of “Diploma Engineer Vs Graduate Engineer” that existed in Bangladesh for many years. Marine Academy students will be branded similar to polytechnic students (as compared to BUET).
    Kind regards
    Quamrul, 27th batch

  74. Dear All

    I read through some part of the BSMRMU Act courtesy of Mokbul Bhai. It seems that this deal is done, whether we like it or not. Specially Marine Academy will loose its authority, campus and all rights. If I understood correct then even the certificate will be issued under BSMRMU.

    At this stage I do not see a viable way to stop such audacious program from BD government, we all know how this country is run. In lite of this new information I will request all of you to come to a common consensus on how we can be relevant to this new change. That means:
    1. How all the ex-cadets are relevant to this new entity 2. The central bond of the academy will be perished soon. We are going to loose our mother, how this family will be hold together?
    3. How can we shape this change so that all of us are somehow represented so that there is continuity for our sense of belonging.
    4. How can we put some of our people in the board so that they can help shape the future in a way so that we retain our identity and dignity.

    I strongly believe that we need to come together and make realistic plan with least amount of emotion so that we can reach our primary goal, which is to preserve the tradition, strong bond and the welfare of our fellow Juldian’s.

    Please understand that nobody is going to save this community if we are not united. I will like to be united in one cause as long as majority agree with it.

    One the other topic of Visa issues and other seafarer issues I think we should open a separate thread. i will like to understand the US visa problem so that we can take it up with State department and US Embassy.
    I can help to organize in USA.

    Best regards
    Tareq, 23rd

  75. Dear Tareq

    The university campus will not be located inside the marine academy though the initial plan and gazette said so. We hv opposed and could make govt. convinced and the govt. Is looking for land too.

    Kind regards

  76. Salhuddin Ahmad says:

    Dear Tareq,
    From the statement of fact that was posted few days ago , it appears that it has already been decided to have the BSMRMU to be located in different premise as the spare land are available in the Marine Academy is not considered sufficient for the Maritime university. I f the statement of fact already posted her is authentic then we need not worry. I have said earlier that this university is not our cup of tea and there is no reason for us to be interested in this. . All that we are interested in , is that our alma matar will not be disturbed in any way, This university will die a natural death, as it was not well conceived. The ordinance have been passed without consulting the major stake holder in the country. There is no reason for us to waste our valuable time chasing this issue. Only thing we have to ensure that our marine academy will not be affected in any way because of this University. That watch has to be kept.
    We now have to concentrate on the main issue that our community is facing now, i.e. employment of our seafarers. I urge our fellow Juldians to concentrate on this issue and make a serious effort to overcome this problem. Looking forward to everyone’s cooperation in this regard.
    Best regards
    Salhuddin Ahmad (01) E

  77. Respected Seniors & Beloved Juniors, Assalamu Alaikum,
    Thank you Salahuddin Sir for your very important reminder.
    Let’s us not discuss this “Maritime University” matter for the time being.
    Let’s concentrate on the topic “Employment of Bangladeshi Seafarers”.
    I have changed the Topic thread with new Subject.
    As far as I know from many Singapore Management companies (including our Ocean Tankers), to employ our Bangladeshi Officers/Cadets/Crew, THE MOST & ONLY important issue at this stage is to solve our Bangladeshi Seafarers VISA issue.
    If this Visa issue can be resolved (Seafarers shall not require any VISA at any foreign ports), we can bring many Bangladeshis (Officers/Cadets/Crew) even in our Ocean Tankers’ managed vessel where we 22 Bangladeshi origin Mariners working in Office.
    We have almost 100 Tankers & we surely can pursue our top Management to employ our Bangladeshi Seafarers if there is no VISA requirement.
    This should be done at the Government level.
    Please look into this & ONLY this matter very seriously.
    With Kind Regards
    Baten (18th Batch), Singapore

  78. Respected Seniors and all BD Mariners brothers.

    Dear Baten thank you for opening another thread on employment under BD Mariners global forum.

    I have one last query on BSMRMU Act 2013 on previous thread of Maritime University in Bangladesh, hope those who are liaising closely with the authority will be able to shade some light.

    Whether the clause 72 (Ka) & (Kha) (Page 40 of the act) is still there in the act or taken out/amended? This clause has all the powers to affect Marine Academy by the University.

    Well understand that the location of university has been changed from the gazette notification, hopefully an addendum to gazette will be published by the government soon.

    Since the act is in Bangla pdf format, I am unable to copy and paste the relevant clause from the 50 pages BSMRMU Act. I have attached the link again below, appreciate to have look at page 40 clause 72. I may not have understood correctly and my worries may be undue:

    Kind Reagrds

    Mokbul (8th)/SGP

  79. Dear Baten Sir
    Asalamualikum . Thank you very much for bringing up the topic and focusing on our priority.
    With down trend in global economy and for other associated reasons, the no of Bangladesh registered vessels have reduced remarkably and continuing ( last I know the number has reduced from 74 to 43).
    Since I am associated with a shipping company in Bangladesh , everyday I least meet 2 -3 young mariners ( cadets, 4th engr, 3rd off) who acquired their minimum qualification (passed out from academy /got their coc) 6 -8 months back and still unemployed. Sometimes they cry, they beg for a job (even ready to join at hand to mouth salary ) . I also get calls from guardians, crying and requesting to help them out by providing jobs to their child.
    Sometimes I feel helpless, I feel like cry, I feel sorrow , I feel like shout to the people who produced so many mariners without even thinking how they will be consumed in the market, what is the market demand and what steps had been taken to generate employment before graduating them .
    It has become something like population growth in Bangladesh where no body knows how to control or best utilization of man power ( in a very raw way- a rickshaw puller giving birth to so many children without thinking of their future).
    I also remember the job scarcity when we passed out and how we suffered – is it not anyway connected to government policy ? Is there any one who should take the resposibility not to apprise the government of present shipping market and adjust cadet intake accordingly ?
    I think I have become very much emotional in expressing my feelings which I should not.
    It is not my intention to hurt any one any way but to raise our awareness on the issue which is going to affect the community very shortly.
    I look forward to my senoirs who knows how to handle this kind of crisis and hope they will come forward with suggestions, employment opportunities to help these young kids.
    Kind Regards
    Anis (30th).

  80. Capt M Moazzem Hossaain says:

    Dear All,

    The 10 golden points/actions plan as listed by Capt F R Chowdhury Sir, need to be worked
    with utmost URGENCY forming a committee of Marine Experts – experienced in the field marine professions and legislations headed by a Sr Marine & Legal Expert Personalities.

    The committee will make a draft – and consultations at various levels tt may require
    to over come all hurdles. It is difficult Tasks but should be started with immediate effect.

    A person like F R Chowdhury Sir or of similar standing can be convener of the committee
    consisting 3-5 members and to make the draft as they consider n listed guidelines by F R Chowdhury Sir.

    With regards to all.
