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Teleconference, Sunday 27 October, 2013
Juldia Marine Academy Alumni Association (JMAAA)
New York 9 AM
Vancouver (BC) 6 AM
Melbourne 12 midnight (Midnight between Sunday, October 27, 2013 and Monday, October 28, 2013)
Dhaka 7 PM
Singapore 9 PM
London 1 PM
Persons requested to attend:
All the past and current President/s, Executive Committee Members and active supporters of JMAAA
Discussion: To decide way forward and future position of JMAAA in the light of recent formation of ABMA (Alumni of Bangladesh Marine Academy).
The proposed agenda as below:
- Analyze the reason JMAAA was formed and its various achievements since its formation.
- Analyze the current and future organizational structure of JMAAA in North America and where do we see ourselves in next 5 – 10 years (keeping aside the formation of ABMA).
- Discussion on formation of ABMA and JMAAA’s future action plan:
- Do we ask ABMA to keep only one Alumni, “JMAAA” – as it was formed and registered in USA much earlier and they should become a member of JMAAA Bangladesh chapter?
- What would be our course of action if ABMA do not agree with above proposal?
- Should JMAAA even consider the possibility to merge with ABMA or work with ABMA as partners?
- What affiliation, if any, JMAAA currently has with any organization/s in Bangladesh
- The future of Marine Museum at Chittagong currently owned and operated by JMAAA – Where do we see it say 20 years from now, when many of us wouldn’t be here.
RSVP: If you like to participate in the conference, kindly RSVP to [email protected]. Your participation is extremely important.
Procedures to be maintained while connecting to and during the conference
- When you connect, kindly announce your full name, batch number and where from? Also kindly read out your email address and telephone number in a slow recognizable manner.
- When you disconnect, kindly announce your name. That will register that you are off.
- Suggest making calls on time. Otherwise, you may not get the connection.
Protocols of the meeting
- Kindly take guidance from the Moderator. The Moderator will be in charge of the meeting. He will say whose turn it is to talk and also set time limits of each speaker.
- As a courtesy, kindly allow other participants to speak their turn and do not interfere while they are talking. Only the Moderator will be able to interfere as he pleases.
- While laying out your agenda, please be extremely brief and to the point.
- If there is a Q&A, once again moderator will maintain protocol.
- If you can, kindly use a land line as mobile phones occasionally do not propagate clear voice.
We want a very brief meeting covering the issues as noted above. If you have a point to be discussed, please keep your notes and seek permission from the Moderator at appropriate time. We expect to have more meetings like this in future to keep abreast of developments.
Any one can give me a brief on ABMA, who formed it and where?
Capt Rafiqul Islam
13th batch
JMAAA first found about the formation of the ABMA (Alumni of Bangladesh Marine Academy) through indirect correspondence of a number of Alumnus and immediately posted the news in the website. For details, please go to:
JMAAA has made strides in helping mariners with much needed help. One of such example is:
JMAAA established the Maritime Museum in the Marine Academy campus in 24th November 2010. It is a starting point. We contributed a number of artifacts and also pay for the maintenance of the museum including a nominal salary of the curator of the museum.
Additionally JMAAA has provided scholarships to cadets of the academy.
Dear Sir,
I wonder if you’ve given a thought to the participation of mariners from Greater Vancouver, Canada. Unfortunately scheduled time of Tele conference does not suit Vancouverites. I don’t think you expect a person responding to a conference call early 5 AM in the morning!!! Vancouver harbours more than 30 mariners, and I think they can contribute strongly in taking a comprehensive decision on this burgeoning issue.
Thanks and regards,
Atikur Khan
18th Batch
Vancouver- Canada.
Good point.
I will bring it up with the President and others and see if we can change the timing.
Would it be OK if we make it at 10 AM NY time? That way you have to be on at 7 AM.
Then Melbourne becomes 1 AM in the morning.
Please let us know.
Best regards.
[email protected]
Thank you for the prompt reply. Much appreciated.
For me–7 AM is fine, but I expect others too to make a response before making any adjustment.
Thanks and regards,
Atikur/18th Batch
Greetings from London
I wish to participate.
Thank you
Zillur Rahman
Sent using BlackBerry®
I think it is a positive step forward for resolving the issue and removing any misunderstanding by engagement with all, you have my support.
Khairul Anam
9th Batch
Warm wishes from Warsash Maritime Academy, a faculty of Southampton Solent University. I would like to participate.
Zakirul Bhuiyan
Southampton, UK
On 27th October UK clocks will go back by one hour to make it GMT+0. Then it would be 1pm in London.
Will attend the meeting
I just got back from overseas work trip. I am trying best to
Let us work towards a united and inclusive Alumni that would integrate
the Alumni’s through fellowship.