Important message from Captain FR Chowdury

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Dear Merchant Marine Community,

Human being are social animal. They communicate with each other in the society. This social life makes life more interesting. Our marine community has also got its own social arena. They keep us together and in touch with each other.

I am very glad to speak about Bangladesh Merchant Navy Officers’ Association. This is a big umbrella under which the entire marine community of Bangladesh stand together – no matter whether ex-academy or not, ex-navy, ex-fishery or even otherwise direct entry – so long the person obtained a merchant marine COC, s/he is a member.

I am also very proud of the Bangladesh branches of two professional bodies – Nautical Institute and IMAREST. They are doing excellent job. They make the members worthy of being what they are.

Marine Academy has created an impact that nothing else has done. It has created its own history. It is through over 50 years of its existence that today we have a large marine community all over the world. People like Awal Mintu and Suhrawardy may not have completed a career in the merchant marine but in business they glorified the teachings of the Marine Academy. All ex-academy cadets can rightly refer to the academy with equal pride. This needs another social association – one and one only. Let there be no politics with it. Let there be no clash of personality or leadership or any personal motive for any gain. Let there be one ex-academy cadets’ association.

I understand some enthusiastic ex-cadets set-up one in USA with a website that have been functioning for a number of years. It was not meant only for those in the USA but for everyone here and there. I understand that Mr. Suhrawardy donated some valuable books to the Academy. They set-up a maritime museum in the Academy. They also provide some scholarships for the cadets.

Recently I received an e-mail notice about formation of another association. I do not understand the reason for another parallel organization. If there is anything wrong with the original, we can always call a meeting and rectify all defects and shortcomings. We can even elect new office bearers. At the moment I can suggest the officials of both to communicate with each other and resolve all problems and make one association.

Academy is the institute. The Commandant of the Academy is always the central figure/ father figure for all academy related matters even if he is from 10th or 15th batch. I shall urge the Commandant to come forward and take the initiative to solve this matter. He can call all concerned and through discussion and negotiation resolve the matter. I shall request everybody to respond to any initiative taken by Commandant. The Commandant should resolve the matter by 31-December-2013.

I make this appeal as one from the first batch. I hope you will agree that we the first batch have a special link with the academy. We joined the academy when nobody knew anything about a career at sea. And today …………..We remain the pioneers. If we cannot have a satisfactory solution to this matter, I would not like to associate myself with any of them.

May Allah grant more progress and prosperity to our community and to our country.


  1. S.A.Taufiq ( 2nd batch) says:

    Totally agree with Capt F.R.C we should have 1 organization only and resolve any grievances and disputes with dialogues and ours is not a political organization, it is a social organization for members to keep in touch with one another.
    Capt S.A Taufiq ( 2nd batch )