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Capt. Shahidul 17th batch has passed away
Dear All
I inform you with a heavy heart that that Capt. Shahidul 17th batch has passed away this morning. (Inna Lillahi wa Inna ilaihi rajiun). His Namaz e Janaza will be held today after Johar prayers at Baridhara DOHS mosque Dhaka.
My thoughts are with the bereaved family at this very sad moment and I pray for the departed soul.
Khairul Anam
On 17 Jun 2013, at 18:46, khairul anam <[email protected]> wrote:
Please see attached – the latest update on Malek and Shahidul. Let us continue praying for them. Thanks to Nurul Islam, Sabur and Ghazi.
Khairul Anam
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Begin forwarded message:
From: Sabur Ahmed <[email protected]>
Date: 17 June 2013 17:39:38 BST
To: khairul anam <[email protected]>, “Capt. Hasan Quddus” <[email protected]>, Hasan Quddus <[email protected]>
Subject: Fwd: Capt.Malek condition
As salamalikum Sr,
Pl find below Capt Malek and Shahidul recent update.
Capt.Sabur Ahmed
———- Forwarded message ———-
From: Nurul islam Mohammad <[email protected]>
Dear All,
While ago talked to Capt.Salauddin that Capt,Malek still in ICU under observation.
Doctor found 3 major blockage n other small ones.
out of them two are 90% n one 70%, decided to put rings.
Sometimes his BP drops quickly n become ok with observation.
We all pray to Allah SWT for his recovery soon.
Nurul Islam
On Jun 16, 2013 7:19 AM, “Ghazi taher” <[email protected]> wrote:
Assalam! With bit relief writing this mail. Alhamdulillah silver linings are being seen. Last conversation between Masoom and Azam
drew a ray of Hope.
Life support not totally required. Alhamdulillah the parameters have started to stabilize since last evening. Just to be in safe side about 30% oxygen is been supplied and that may be reduced and withdrawn inshaAllah soon. A food pipe shall be inserted from throat to start oral food. The eyes/pupil movement is there but yet to respond. He may be transferred to normal ward as ICU care no required.
Alhamdulillah ! Alhamdulillah. May we extend our doa further. Allah SWT can do anything ,everything. May he come round with full Shifa.
May Allah SWT strengthen our Imaan and keep all of us safe and in sound health.
Kind Regards
Ghazi Abu Taher
From: khairul anam
Date: Tue, 25 Jun 2013 23:36:08 +0100
Dear All
While continuing to pray for the departed soul, let us be forward looking and see how we can help each other better and in a more effective way in future. I suggest we consider making the BMNOBF a stronger common fund for supporting Bangladeshi Mariners in need.
Best regards
Khairul Anam
Sent from my iPad
On 25 Jun 2013, at 11:07, “Mo Rahman” <[email protected]> wrote:
Dear All Mariners
I write with very heavy heart because I realised I/we could have done lot more for Shahidul. He was two year junior to me in Cadet College also in Marine Academy. May i say until his ill fated accident he was one of the fortunates, he cam from good upbringing, was gook looking, very nice manner and always smiley. Since the accident everything has completely changed he became on of the most unfortunates, unable to move from his chest and downward.
Apart from early days in cadet college where i always remember him as sober, honest and good behaving junior I also met him in Marine Academy and was always impressed by his good nature and manner. Very last time I met him was in Hongkong most likely the year was 1990 when he was doing course for his mates exam. Shahidul +wife, Nasimul Ghani+wife (another of his MCC and Marine Academy batch-mate) and Shahinur from 16th Batch. We spend some good time together exploring HK. (He was married to a nice looking girl, his life so full of vitality and promise.) Nasim then invited all of us to his house next day for dinner where we all met again and spending good time together. Shahidul always himself, live, happy and smiley, no complain no worries. That was the last time I met him.
Then I heard about his unfortunate accident. But Alas our like are always so busy in making roti I forgot one good friend who I could have at least called and say hello. This morning I read his web site and it was difficult for me to control my tears. Today I read almost all of his website stories and was very touched by them. After reading one of his stories about two young girls giving him company on his wheel chair around lake it was really hard for me to control my tears.
Shahidul kept on fighting all the adversity life has thrown to him and trying to find happiness with his disability. He wrote “In reality, I can only dream about such fantasy Island… that’s because my life is messed up. My journey in life suddenly took such a path, where, there is no way out… no scope to turn back… not possible to return… Life ahead is full of uncertainty… spread with thorns… plotted with hardship… But I didn’t give up… will never give up… Daruchinidip will be my inspiration until the end… until my last breath… until my last whisper…”
May I say Shahidul you were a true fighter true to your word you never gave up. You have shown us the way how to live even in calamity like you have suffered. Above all may i also say varily Allah (swt) will reward you with Pardise because you have not fogotten Allah (swt) even in your long tough jouney. Ameen
From: khairul anam
Date: Mon, 24 Jun 2013 21:12:23 +0100
Dear All
I first came to know about Shahidul’s unfortunate accident and his resulting confined poor quality of life probably more than 10 years ago through the BDMariners website run by Capt Sheikh Abdullah. I must say that Shahidul’s accident was known to most of the mariners only because of the existence of this website run by Capt Abdullah at his expenses and I came to know about Daruchini Dip site from the same source. Many of you may not be aware that Capt Abdullah employed Shahidul on a part time basis for maintaining & updating BDmariners website by paying from his own pocket. That was very generous of Capt Abdullah and helpful for Shahidul.
Let us continue praying for the departed soul.
It is true that it is same Capt Abdullah who initiated a drive about 8-10 years ago for raising funds from BMariners living in UK, USA, Canada, Middle East and Singapore for buying a wheel chair for Shahidul. We contributed from the UK too through Capt Baig and a very good response was received globally. We must acknowledge the significant role that Capt Abdullah played in serving the above named deceased mariner and the BDMariners community on the whole. He did a splendid job for our community.
I would like to draw your attention to the request of Capt Munir Hussain for supporting the BMNOBF operated from Bangladesh by fund generated from contributions given by mariners from all over the world. The fund is used for good cause of helping the mariners and their dependants in need and your money would not be wasted. Best thing would be to become a life member but be aware that it is very unlikely for your dependants living in the UK, USA, Canada, Singapore etc to receive any benefit from this fund probably because they would be supported by other means in these rich countries but there are bound to be exceptions. I am sure Munir will come for with further information about the Bangladesh Merchant Navy Officers Benevolent Fund, as promised.
Best regards
Khairul Anam
Sent from my iPad
From: Dilwar Ali
Sent: 24 June 2013 21:33
Dear all,
Myself and my wife visited Shahidul in his house probably around late 90s and I vividly remember when his mother and sister narrated the unfortunate accident. I was very emotional and in tears. Shahidul was just staring at me helplessly, a scene never to be forgotten.
One thing you guys have forgot that, Shaikh Abdullah , through his website launched an appeal and we contributed for his wheel chair. So far I remember, Abdullah made lots of efforts and dedication and collected funding from Mariners worldwide and very ingeniously dispensed the funds for Shahidul’s wheelchair and wellbeing.
I feel very sad for this young mariner, Shahidul , who endured through his impairment. His perseverance and determination enabled him to lead some sort of a normal life.
Kind regards
Dilwar Ali(6th, Engr)
From: Sabur Ahmed
Sent: 24 June 2013 11:34
Respected Mariners,
I fully agree with K. Anam sir.
We need to let others know if such situations arises.
We need to work collectively.
This not only regarding financial helps this may be extended in others fields as well like job finding and business related as well.
I have seen in Canada Others marine community helping among their members by offering leads for jobs findings ashore.
Let’s work together.
I like to mention here Shahidul not only worked as an umbrella to our batch but also worked actively for maintaining web site of Capt. Abdullah which was Bd
Salam to all mariners.
Capt. Sabur Ahmed
17 Batch
On Jun 23, 2013 1:59 PM, “khairul anam”
Dear All
Please see attached for info. I agree with Atikur that we could have done more for Shahidul but we didn’t. We have lessons to learn from this case and need to find out if we have any more mariners in need of support like Shahidul did. If we are aware of such cases, we ought to come forward collectively with a generous helping hand.
I know BD Mariners in the UK came forward promptly when Fakhruddin Bhai, Tunzinna and children (Tunzinna et al) of two more mariners needed help but we need to do more in future. I am sure we can do things better together to make life of some of the fellow mariners more comfortable but anyone aware of such a situation requiring external support should take the lead and come forward before it goes out of control.
Best regards
Khairul Anam
Sent from my iPad
On 23 Jun 2013, at 20:10, “khan atik” <[email protected]> wrote:
Sabur Bhai,
Thank you for the link. I read most of his articles – super and heart twisting!!! I could not just hold my tears; it made me truly emotional.
We realize a person’s value once he’s no more in the world. Shahidul Bhai was truly a fighter and a strong believer. He believed in himself the God’s inevitable presence. After reading his articles, one big question hangs right before me; did we do our part to alleviate his sadness and frustration? We could have done more.
May Allah rest his soul in the highest place of Jannat and revive our humanity for those who still need our support.
Thanks and regards,
620 Kensington Ave
V5B 4B3
From: Sabur Ahmed <[email protected]>
Received: Saturday, June 22, 2013, 12:50 PM
Dear Mariners ,
As salmalaikum.
Pl go to below web site to know little about our beloved Shahiul Alam.
Capt.Sabur Ahmed
From: shankar panday
Date: Fri, 21 Jun 2013 13:17:05 +0000
Extremely saddened by this news and in great admiration for such a braveheart who endured his sickness with so much dignity.
Rest in peace and in a better place.
Shankar Panday
From: forkanul
Date: Fri, 21 Jun 2013 06:10:37 -0400
I and my family we are deeply saddened at thews of early eternal (Innah..razeyoon) departure of beloved younger brother Capt Shaidul. May he be polaced in Jannat and may his family be able to find the strength to go through this.
May you all stay safe.
Forkanul Quader
From: khairul anam
Sent: Thu, 20 Jun 2013 14:44
Subject: [bdmarinersuk] Fwd: [Group Mariner A] Shahidul Alam, Master Mariner, from 17th batch of…
Dear All
Please see the tribute appended below from Capt SM Abdullah, which I fully agree with. Shahidul really fought for his survival and he won but finally the God wanted him back. I have seen him as a true gentleman from my days in BSC. Let us all continue praying for the departed soul.
Khairul Anam
Sent from my iPad
From: Shaikh Abdullah
Date: Thu, Jun 20, 2013 at 8:21 AM
Shahidul Alam, Master Mariner, from 17th batch of Marine Academy, Chittagong, expired (Inna..!) today June 20 2013 morning in Combined Military Hospital, Dhaka
Dear mariners:
Shahidul Alam, Master Mariner, from 17th batch of Marine Academy,
Chittagong, expired (Inna..!) today June 20 2013 morning in Combined
Military Hospital, Dhaka
He was paralyzed from neck down for last 20 years. He was bravely fighting
his disabilities and led a nearly very active life with help on an
electrical wheelchair in later stage of his life. He recently joined an NGO
in Savar, Dhaka as Publication Officer and moved to Savar from his home in
Dhaka Baridhara DOHS. In Baridhara he spent nearly all of his last 20 years
of disability with his parents. More than a week ago, he fell ill in Savar
and was brought to Dhaka United Hospital in coma. He never recovered much
before succumbing to his illness.
Shahidul was a saintly person of enormous mental and physical strength. He
made all of us look so small in the realm of fighting for life. We will
never be able to comprehend how he spent last 20 years of his life with such
a high spirit and passion.
Please pray for Shahidul.
My dear friend Shahidul,
I know you may not listen to me but I feel I can hear you always .Every time I go for pray I remember you and Inshallah ALLAH will surely reward you with Jannath.
I can not hold my tears when I remember you. I remember our Cork / South Shields student life when we were doing Mate and Master .We have lots of memories sweet and sorrow.
Dosoto if you can please forgive me as I feel I could not do much for your which I should .