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Minutes: JMAAA fourth annual meeting August 1, 2009
Held at Rochester, New York
Minutes of the meeting
4 PM: Meeting convened
4:20 PM: Meeting commenced
Silence: One minute silence observed in the memory of the mariners expired and also those who are sick.
Ghulam Suhrawardi (6th batch) paid for the boat cruise. USD 30.00 was collected per person. These amounts were collected as a donation to JMAAA funds.
Next JMAAA gathering (fifth) was proposed for Montreal, Canada. Proposal was made by Captain Kamal Ahmed (15th Batch). It was accepted unanimously. Date fixed was August 7-8, 2010.
Scholarship fund: JMAAA provides 2 scholarships to the Marine Academy Cadets; one for Engineering Cadets and the other for Nautical studies Cadets. Pledges and money collected for scholarships exceeded USD 4000.00.
Foundation: A proposal was made to organize a “Marine Academy Foundation” to be registered in Bangladesh. This foundation will open a local account which will earn interest. The idea is to provide future scholarships from the interest/profits earned from the seed money. That way the scholarship awards will remain perpetual. Total 7 members required per Bangladesh laws; of this 6 will be JMAAA members from the USA and 1 will be alumni from Dhaka. The Dhaka board member will operate the bank account and other activities locally.
Executive Committee meeting: The Executive Committee will hold a meeting every 6 months via conference calls to discuss various business matters of JMAAA.
Bangladesh Mariner employment issue: Raised by Ashfaq Haq (Engineer 13th batch). To seek avenues to promote employment of Bangladeshi Mariners world wide. There was a glitch. The owners are weary about Bangladeshi Mariners as they have a tendency of jumping ships as soon as they arrive USA ports. It is a huge problem for employment of Bangladesh Mariners and will persist so long mentality changes. This will remain a matter of discussion in the foreseeable future.
Meeting adjourned at 6 PM.
Notes: While the meeting progressed dues and pledges were being obtained. The meeting was to the point and business like.