Agenda: Fourth Alumni Meeting, North America

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August 1, 2009

Meeting agendas

4 PM: Meeting room at the hotel
4-4:30 PM: Introduction and follow up on last years business discussion.
4:30 PM: Promptly proceed with the agenda items.

Agenda 1:
Next gathering(s) :  Captain Kamal Ahmed (15th-Nautical) proposed the next gathering (2010) in his home city of Montreal. Anyone else want to take leadership in convening the meeting in Canada, you may come forward. It is a good idea to also consider the 2011 gathering in the USA.

Agenda 2:
JMAAA scholarship fund: There was a proposal in hand for making a foundation in Bangladesh and park the scholarship money in it. It earns about 10% plus at this time. In USA banks, it does not make money. Discuss various avenues to maximize returns on the funds collected. Also go over the collection of funds from last year’s pledges.

Agenda 3:
Developing relations with the Marine Academy at various levels. From arranging visitations to attending the next graduation ceremony. It is important that we connect ourselves with the Academy in anyway possible.

Agenda 4:
JMAAA’s role in the international level. Perhaps we can start a movement to incorporate all mariners and alumni from all over the world to be a member of JMAAA. JMAAA is registered in the USA as a non-profit organization and hence has credibility to accept funds, make donations as well perform public relation work if needed.
6 PM: Motion to adjourn the meeting.
* If you have any other agendas please write it down and present it before the meeting starts. You may use the following format:

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